What is it?
An early access game currently available on steam. Priced at £22.99
I first was alerted to this when the missus tagged me on Facebook. Of course I immediately went out and bought a copy on steam. I've spent the past hour or so playing about with different engines and layouts, with varying results. My first V8 TT blew the contents of a compressor out the exhaust, which didn't go well.
Essentially, from what I can tell, it's something marketed at those of us who like to fiddle. I've always thought that racing games lacked a bit of R&D, it's all fine and well slapping a turbo on a car in GT5, but what if you could play about with compression rates and valve timing. I'd recommend it to anyone who's thought the same, and doesn't mind supporting an Indie game. There's some recognisable parts in there (S15 and Supra tailights for example) but it's pretty much free reign. You can design the widest, fattest bodied supercar with the biggest wing if you want, or you can make a small, nimble hatchback that weighs nothing and goes like brown stuff off a highly polished earth moving tool.