Hey lassev
sorry for the late reply, didn't see this anymore until now , My powerlevel goal at first will be 330 HP aslong as she isn't older then 25 years (registered in 1995) so that's in 2020 from now. Then she's old timer meaning no more MOT what so ever.after that it depends on the money where i take it haha
Cash currently, not really, next year, most likely yes. Wil not do an NA-T, cos it's to expensive, a GTE swap would be cheaper & more legit in belgium. We're not allowed to turbo charge engines, you'll just fail at MOT if they see it, the GTE gives a nice "stock" look, so i'll pass easily. and yea it's expensive, but sooner or later i'll get to it, it might take awhile tho . Money is an issue at the moment, but that'll soon be gone anyways when i get to save up a bit. Taxes for the supra are 2500 euros, taxes for my daily another 400 & a few other big bills incoming that need paying first
Anyways, Little update, been doing the clutch today, was gutted when a bolt from the pressure plate into the flywheel broke off, off to find new bolts tomorrow so i can change them, so hopefully tomorrow she's drive worthy again
Some pictures of today:
Gearbox removed
New apexi airfilter
Replaced: Rear main seal, airfilter, clutch kit, tranny oil
Going to finish it up tomorrow, then finally drive her again :o