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Everything posted by Max5437

  1. I looked at Pumas before I got the Celica but unfortunately I'm too tall to drive one comfortably but thank you, surprised I fitted in a golf or seat tbh
  2. For only 2K it would be a state surely, looked at jap first but turned up nothing
  3. Had a look but not crazy about the shape and the condition at This budget would give me, worried as it would be a daily and the same for the Celica 190 as the mileage was astronomical on some around my budget and again the worry as it would be daily, hence the idea of the 1.8t group, my mums got a Audi TT that's been faultless, and know a few others who have had a couple years fun then moved on and it wouldn't be a long term toy as I will one day get a TT supra for a weekend toy. This is more of scratching a itch while I'm doing my degree
  4. Around 2 - 2.5k now Thanks btw
  5. With a remap it should be noticeably quicker and there just isn't any low down Torque in the celica, my mates 1.8t golf leaves me standing and I really fancy a turbo car now and the potential is far greater than a N/a 2.0 plus should be a lot more economical ?
  6. Hello, Was interested in a gt4 but cant find one in my budget or in a condition i could deal with, but have recently been interested in the 1.8T Seat Ibiza mk3, anybody had one or any known issues to look out for? bored of my celica as its very restricted on what to do with and fancy a change plus the 1.8T is going to be more economical aswell which would be a bonus thanks in advance (sorry for another annoying thread lol) Max
  7. Max5437


    Brilliant, thank you ill check them out
  8. Hi, Anybody got a decently specced laptop for sale or any advise on purchasing one? Built a few desktops but dont know a lot about laptops. I'm inclined towards i5 processor as have had great performance form my desktop for the past 5 years but know nothing about AMD processors. needs to be reliable as it is being used for my degree and wouldn't want to have to upgrade it in the next few years. graphics and audio are less important than hardware. a SSD would be great but already have a spare one so can exchange them if necessary thanks in advance Max
  9. yeah this is the car the Keron sold ( I know the owner) plus can confirm he wont take it out at all in the wet lol if anyone wants the link to it https://www.gumtree.com/p/toyota/toyota-supra-rz-not-skyline-wrx-gti-gto-sport-rs-turbo-cosworth-drift/1134150157
  10. I have one in silver but would need a little work due to 2 small holes (where hideous sidelights where, your welcome too them aswell ) not sure what its worth really so welcome to make an offer and to come and view if that helps couldn't really be much more local lol
  11. Finding one with the suspension replaced is proving to be very difficult and as its more of a millage thing (from what i understand) than a English weather thing then the ones imported more recently arent really at a bonus compared to the uk spec from what im hearing they do sound like a blast to own so if i can find the right one i might not be able to resist temptation perfect feedback, thank you, exactly what I'm looking for, something to enjoy daily and be capable and enjoyable for the odd spirited drive when necessary. I'm quite picky and use my head over heart so hopefully that will avoid a money pit, think my minds made up and if i can find a good one then might have to go for it thanks
  12. Need another caliper asap if anyone has one? would need to be around Essex or happy to post thanks in advance
  13. I do enjoy how the supra drives and have only ever driven a Quattro audi a very little, so don't have experience of 4wd. Thanks for your feedback will bear it in mind think i need a test drive lol
  14. is that comparing it to a turbo supra though? the budget gap is quite substantial between the two and practicability is another factor that the supra would be falling short in. don't get me wrong in the future i intend on getting a TT but looking for something for now, surely it couldnt be considered boring compared to a auto N/A ? thanks
  15. Thanks for checking out the link, appreciate that Yeah the "remap ECU chip" is a bit vague and would warrant research, what stuck out to me is it appeared to have been looked after by the photos of the body works, at least some effort ha been made there and the majority of the parts are good brands like HKS plus the turbo was rebuilt by the same company i swear i have heard mentioned on here. seems like someone has given it a bit of love during its life. I have asked for interior pictures but haven't had a reply and i agree with the projectors, transform the front of any celica imo. if i got one they would be on my list along with the Kouki taillights
  16. I'm happy to wait for the right car and if its been done then that would be a bonus but it would have to be relative to the cost of the car and the market price for the specification, if they haven't then i am working and would put the money away so when the time comes i am able get the work done straight away, I guess it will be a case of finding a car that suitable and like i said, im in no rush to buy another car, i would just like too haha I have heard they handle great and tbh i love my gt so cant imagine a turbo and 4wd doing anything other than increase the enjoyment factor. the figure 8's and the arms are a concern but im really starting to like the idea of getting one while im studying then moving onto a tt supra when i have a real income. they seems very underated for the performance and handling you get
  17. The running cost isnt the biggest concern but reliability is, i have heard a few mixed reveiws of people who have had them for years and not had an issue and others who seem to have nonstop issues. i guess it must be similar with all cars though? the supra i have has been in the family for 10 years and has only ever needed the shocks replacing and recently the front brake lines have begun to perish but other than that the only issue was caused by my dad not using antifreeze and a core plug rusting, but that was bad maintenance. Iv made sure that the suspension being changed is top of my requirements list and a recent/low millage clutch is next, glad to hear some positives
  18. Thank you both, added them onto my list of things to note, definitely don't like the sound of replacing those
  19. perfect, exactly the type of advice i was looking for thank you not really my kind of thing but thank you
  20. His looks fantastic, thanks for the link ill be sure to drop him a pm if i go ahead with it and see if he can advise they do have an odd appeal abou them dont they That would be a bit much out of my price range sadly but looks fantastic, reminds me of the one i saw on detailing world, the white looked incredible and had a lot of potential as a show car. id be looking around the £4k mark hopefully a bit less if i can find one at the right time, most seem to be around 100,000 miles though so needs a good long think before committing and im not adverse to a bit of work, quite happy to have a bit of a learning curve with it found this but quite far from me but might be worth looking into? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252077358110?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  21. Been torturing myself over these recently as i have a Celica gt and being n/a I have pretty much run out of things to do with it, don't get me wrong its a great car and its my first car so its sentimental but I'm craving something with a bit more potential and a GT4 seems like the logical upgrade. I share a n/a auto supra and i know in the long run i want a TT6 but with insurance (im 19) and practicability taken into account along with the lowish cost of the GT4 to buy I'm uncertain and any pointers or advice would be great! Or am I just being stupid and should i just keep saving for the supra. (on a side note I'm in the second year of my degree, have 2 part time jobs and cant help but think to get a gt4 to enjoy and get a tt6 when i hopefully have a "proper" job and can cover the associated expenditures properly) Thanks in advance for any help
  22. Absolutely incredible, I didn't think the first iteration could be any better
  23. Haven't really had time to make any progress on this but have finally got my 18's on and finish my course for the year at the end of may so hopefully will get some jobs done. some absolute pricks egged the bumper and have shattered the paint under the clearcoat which just fucks me off, why damage other peoples cars. Plan for the summer will hopefully be 1) New Radio 2) sub-woofer boot build (need to find someone who could build one like the one like MK4Gaz in this thread http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?299081-Made-myself-a-sub-box-today ) 3) respray spoiler and possibly rear quarter and bumper ( unsure of this due to the whole car ideally needs doing) 4) Undersealed before the winter 5) fully detail interior and exterior and some pics of the wheels (Y)
  24. Max5437


    Welcome, will be nice to have another supra in Essex, +1 for the Bluewater meet if you can get to one
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