I have some vibration/shake issue on my supra, in all mine time i had the car, i always had some vibration issue on the car, but after my build and wider wheels, the problem only get worse.. i have had the propeller shaft of the car, when i had the engine out, it have been marked up before i took the engine and propeller shaft of the car so when i had to put it on again it would be on the right place. but here is my problem:
when i floor the car it is very steady and i have no vibration at all, but as i react around 100 to 105 mph, the car start to vibrate/shake very much, i can feel all the vibrations in the whole car and steering wheel, and only get worse when i brake down from that speed.. i have new wheels and new tires and they are balanced to zero.. i have controlled all 4 wheels for play, and i have no play, so i start to think mayby my propeller shaft is the problem for my vibrations.. as the car is lowered it could be that the shaft dont have the angel anymore.. or could the shaft be out of balance??
i can floor that car all i want with no problem to 80 to 90 mph and brake hard with no shake or vibration..
are there some that had the same problem that can guide me to what my problem could be??
Thank in advance