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Everything posted by TRD3000GT

  1. Whats up earth. I have just ordered a new clutch setup and know I will just scrape it !! I am also going to try and get some light dents and scratches removed.. standard procedure
  2. Im looking for the same thing! I have a poxy little black sticker over the K on the KMPH to make it MPH looks shite! Done by the SVA cowboys! I have the 5 Gauge dash Revs, MPH, Petrol, Boost and temp. how much for some nice dials I really want a blue effect! . Also I want the Tack bought back to what it should be! it says 42000 odd but that was changed from Kilometers to miles and it has just started adding miles over the previous Kilometers since the change. I also think it is very optomistic!! like my speedo! if my speedo says Im doing 100 when I really doing 88 MPH will the tack put down 88 miles in an hour or 100???need to have this looked at!!!!1:mad: is there an easy fix for this or will it cost me!?
  3. I have seen a few of these, it is the plastic part between the HKS BOV vacuum pipe I think. It looks like a little black disk with two pipe connectors on it? what is it for?
  4. Hey Cuba, How u doing, Have not spoken since the west end cruz round that ended in the CRAP cellar bar (only place that was open!). Hope things R ok. sounds like u had a scare. Im still in the process of buying a new clutch since our last blast round london SHIT
  5. I had the same problem. Sorted it with Iverson Tyres in Chiswick. They are really good and cheap! Took them an hour with lasers. I went through a set of front tyres in 3 months from new because I was so badly out. They sorted it and now everything smmes cool. Chris
  6. sorry Im mad, hit new post instead of reply.. This is the Auto to Manual Gear box conversion price in the UK
  7. £5000 is pretty much the price you will be looking at in the UK . I was considering this and just ended up buying a 6 spd manual
  8. Oh shit, Sounds about right! it is the gold jobby. whats the price estimate on shocks? Is it gonna break my bank? If they are rear ones I will have to have a chat with you
  9. its the brass looking ring thing making the noise! i can move it about. I just taped it down and it stoped making the noise. so what do I nee to do?
  10. OK, So u all think u know about the supra, What the hell is this and why is it making my supra sound so shit? It seems to be Loose and the plastic (nylon) I think ring seems to have a crack in it,? is it supposed to be there.? I have no I dea what this is or how to fix it, It is the source of quite allot of noise when I drive! Please help me to resolve this!!!!! The pics attached show the offending pieces in the suspension. Have these two pieces fallen from up higher in the suspension HOPE THIS IS NOT EXPENCIVE!!!!!
  11. Just got my 6 spd tt 3 months ago and the second gear whines when i give it power, thought it was turbo whistle but its not its the gearbox. Ive got 23k on my car so I think its fine.. Im not alone YIPEEEEEEEE
  12. Ive also got a friend who is and engeneer who will fit this stuff for me for £200 which is pretty damn good I think! He can use a lift on Sundays so I might be up for this some time next month, we could get both the Sups down to Acton and get them done on a Sunday.
  13. Raoul, It will all be from the US. I have a friend who does importing (air freight) so 24 hour delivery but Im not sure I can escape import tax,, he is looking in to it for me! He thinks it will be ok (just label the parcels used car parts,,or "reconditioned" thats still second hand right If U are up for It do you wana get the same setup? I bet I can get a better price for 2 flywheels and clutches!
  14. Whats up Raoul, Im not sure what Im gonna do bout my clutch. Considering RPS lightened flywheel (billet Alu) Ane the RPS 6 puc (spelling) ? sprung clutch. Can get the whole lot for £647.
  15. These are good ones but I dont know a UK supplier... http://www.suprastore.com/powslotfronr.html about £100
  16. This will 99% be due to warped front disks, or unbalanced alloys.... If you go over a few pot holes this can throw out the ballance of the wheels, if you dont think its this (i probaly doubt) Its your front break disks, If you use them allot which u prob do,, (we all do) then they have become over heated and warped, a slight warp will make the steering wheel shake a bit a high speeds and it also wears down your pads unevenly. New disks mate
  17. I have been quoted £211 for stck fly wheel and clutch, but not fitted ? is that good?
  18. I have been watching this all day. Possibly the funniest thread I have ever seen. I still dont know what I want to fit though! Its like being in a candy shop so much to choose from! Good luck Ash You have been a good student ISH all day Now can someone please just tell me what to get. I want a quiet flywheel and a good strong clutch. I need makes and it needs to be a good setup at a sane price! Chris :flame Dev
  19. Terry Who was it you said sold the TRD wide body that fits better than the original TRD
  20. I have been offered a complete set of subaru 4 pot brembo breaks of a year 2000 for £350. used for 5 K , they look pucker and have huge breaking potential im told. Is it possible to fit these to my Sup , I have 18" rims?
  21. Nice to have you along! Ive only had my 98 TT 6 spd for 3 months, wallet is very thin Oh well its worth it. Its the car , the chicks love the car:stupid:
  22. Any ideas what I would be charged for another stock flywheel and stock clutch or Chrises modified stock clutch and fitting? I need a ball park figure? Thanks
  23. Any ideas which is the best clutch flywheel kit? or just a good clutch !! And pricing please? Im not sure how much this stuff costs in the UK!! Also does anyone know someone who can fit it in a relatively competent way!?
  24. Oh S**IT Seems we all managed to get throught some clutch on Saturday night, Raoul , Ash and now ME!! Going home after work the revs went off the hook when the second turbo kicked in, in 3rd gear! Should have seen the smile go Oh well Im so broke because of my car I might as well keep on spending! Seems I now need a clutch, and I intend on getting a good one. Anyone have any ideas on a good clutch and where a good place to have it installed would be? Considering a flywheel as well. Is there one that sorts out the noise that makes my car sound like a bag of nails when I turn it off! and is a bit more resiliant than the stock unit??? HELP!!
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