You think!
Demographics of the UK in the future With the removal of the foreign youth the UK will return to a more balanced age demographic
The Contribution from migrants to tax payments How does that help, all foreign workers do is transfer money from UK employers to the UK exchequer when they pay taxes yet some of the money they keep gets sent back to Romgariary to renovate their houses over there. That's money that's leaving the UK economy forever.
The REAL cost of immigration on benefits Any benefit payed to a non-UK national is a drain on the benefits system. I have worked abroad for a good part of my life and have never been entitled to benefits funded by the country I was working in.
The legal benefits of EU control over these crazy conservatives How can anyone accept control of our government by a parliament elected by foreigners?
Free trade agreements We had them before imprisonment in Europe, we'll have them again afterwards. Difference is they'll be negotiated entirely in the interest of the UK (and we won't have to buy French apples).
Cultural integration How is that an advantage, we have our own individual culture and should fight to keep it.
Farming subsidies - reducing costs (you think the conservatives will give the farmers the same - not on your nelly) We pay more to the EU than we receive in subsidies, it should be easy enough for any government to match the current level of support.
Scotland staying (who else ill we have to invade?) Scotland won't benefit from leaving the UK to join the EU alone. The minority of Scots are always complaining about control from Westminster, how do you think their majority that voted in favour of government from Westminster will feel about control from Brussels?