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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Jake


    No there isn't. My '53 plate 3.2Ltr M3 (in the highest emissions category) costs less than that to tax. No way an older Supra with a smaller engine could cost that much. Edit to add: No offence meant Wez mate, just putting the record straight
  2. Buy software? Je ne comprends pas ce que tu dis! Can't find jack useful on the intarwebs. Hold on, I'll have a butcher's in the registry.
  3. For the last few days I keep getting an annoying pop-up window saying "AVG free notification" which is nagging me to try AVG Internet Security Suite 8.0 Anyone know how to turn this annoying feature off? (Apart from buying said product, natch) Cheers
  4. Jake

    Pic request

  5. Jake

    Corrr !!!

    Really? I love it.
  6. Jake

    Corrr !!!

    Me like. http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/new/101646.jpg http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/new/101648.jpg http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/new/101650.jpg http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/new/101654.jpg http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/uploads/new/101656.jpg http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C25242 I wonder how much it was up for.
  7. Ewwww! I installed Kunbuntu with KDE4 but I really don't like the Fisher Price style UI. Back to Unbuntu I think.
  8. Cream carpet in a black Supe? That sounds horrible!
  9. Doesn't it depend on the paint colour? I thought white and black Supras came with black carpet as standard, no?
  10. Jake

    new GTR

    How was the weather up in Scotland?
  11. Irrelevant anyway. If you have to ask the question you certainly don't have the know-how to "destroy their empire with a virus to destroy their comp"
  12. Wow. Please get a clue before before posting further. ummmm, no, that's not what we say about you. Would you like to go for Double Jeopardy where the scores can really change?
  13. Define "best" Define "overly loud" One Depends on the RR.
  14. Looks pretty clean, I guess.
  15. Actually, t'was the 95th min, I think. Even worse.
  16. So, how are you liking ubuntu so far, Martin? Prompted by this thread, I've installed 8.04HH myself and it seems OK so far. For some reason it can't 'see' one of my HDDs - even though it's the disk I've installed ubuntu on but apart from that the hardware support seems to have improved a lot since I last tried it.
  17. Seen what? Sard or Blitz but MADE by JPS? WTF?
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