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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Jake

    2 Questions

    It should ok then mate. Can I ask why you want to remove the fuse though? Why not just turn the TC off with the button on the dash?
  2. Jake

    2 Questions

    He edited the post. It never said manual when I read it
  3. Jake

    2 Questions

    Yeah I guessed it was a TT Like I said though mate; Auto? VVTi? BTW, Here's the best place for your vacuum take off http://www.max-boost.co.uk/stuff/new_boost_pipe_front.jpg http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=46044 (Thanks to JohnA for the pic)
  4. Jake

    2 Questions

    The answer depends on what car do you have. You didn't say and it ain't in your Sig. Auto gearbox = harsher gear changes and possibly reduced gearbox life (debatable) VVTi engine = no FBW throttle Other than that it should be fine.
  5. Jake


    Kinell! GoodyTwoShoes! Post away mate, the mods will delete it if they don't like it
  6. How's that then Gaz? I would have thought you could have it as loud as you like if she can't hear it. No?
  7. Jake


    Can you just post it here? I can't be arsed to empty my PM box ATM It's not like anyone is gonna pay over the odds for a lump and have it shipped from the colonies.
  8. Jake


    "JDM Supra engines cheap" Although what Merkins call cheap for engines is usually 3x what I'd call cheap.
  9. Jake


    What prices? Did he edit the first post before you did?
  10. Jake


    How much is 'cheap'?
  11. It shouldn't be needed IF your existing one is working like new. However, testing one is difficult/not worth the hassle. You'd know if it's not up to the increased demand that BPUs put on the pump when the mixture goes lean and the engine dets itself to death. It's insurance really. If your stock pump is up to it you've saved £80 - if it ain't you'll quickly need a new engine.
  12. Have a read of this thread mate : http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=58246&highlight=ttc
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWmPfWMgoOg
  14. Huh? I don't get it. What's it supposed to say?
  15. My dad had to have the camera down the throat thing (Endoscopy?) at Southampton General Hospital. Unfortunatly they fucked it up and punctured his lung.
  16. Jake

    Rocky 6

    Just kidding mate. (Notice the grin smiley) Bring 'em over anytime, whenever you're ready - no rush. As long as I get them back at some point I'm not fussed.
  17. hehe. Seriously though, if it was any smaller would you be able to see the instrument dials properly? I don't find the stock size a problem anyway. Seems about right to me. I used to know a truck driver that delivered new DAF artics from the UK to Saudi. He was 24 stone and couldn't fit behind the stock steering wheel, so he always changed the huge DAF steering wheel for a small Lancia one and drove the truck the 3000-odd miles there with that and then brought it home on the flight with him.
  18. Jake

    Rocky 6

    Very funny. Where are my fucking wheels?
  19. Diesel Merc 320 drivers are all Ghay though
  20. It's true! I have a stock one here in my computer room which I measured for Nick
  21. Rolled a dodgem! That's impressive! I thought I was the king of rolling cars. Back in the day, when we did banger racing on the IoW, I once rolled 3 cars in one afternoon. Including a Renault 4 that went end-over-end and a Volvo 144 that ended up on its side which I got out of and rocked it until it fell back onto its wheels and then finished the race (in last place, obviously)
  22. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=answer+to+life%2C+the+universe+and+everything
  23. Jake

    Santapod today

    Nice! Those high stall torque converters make a huge difference on the drag strip. What was the terminal speed Robbie?
  24. Jake

    Rocky 6

    He gets back in the ring? Stallone is like 60 years old!
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