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Everything posted by Jake

  1. I don't think so but you could just cancel it and relist the item.
  2. Jake

    Like the Budgie

    Why did you edit out your 2.16am post that said: ?
  3. Jake

    Like the Budgie

    And thank God (Allah?) for that. Where else could I get an emergency six pack of Stella at 11.45PM ?
  4. Jake

    Like the Budgie

    No worries mate, I knew exactly what you meant
  5. Jake

    Like the Budgie

    Hey, suck it up Gunga Din. As long as you're living in "my" country.... blah blah blah, etc etc [/racist] (How am I doing? I'd make quite a good BNP candidate, wouldn't I?)
  6. Jake

    Like the Budgie

    I'm glad you said that. I almost didn't hit the Submit Reply button because I thought it might start a "You're a racist" war. It is true though, innit? Asian folks just love a bargain (who doesn't, TBH?) the only difference is they're not afraid to push for it.
  7. Jake

    Like the Budgie

    Hey, he's asian - they want everything cheap! It's a culture thing with asian people to want things as cheap as poss. It's not racist for me to say this because it's true. I used to sell kitchens for a living and the only people that would really (really, really) try to haggle on the price were asian folks. I don't mean east asian folk (chinese, korean, etc) I mean Indian, bangladeshi, pakistani etc - it's just their way. It must be a PITA to be a salesman in Leicester or Bradford though!
  8. http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2184/repost060306zy2.jpg http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=92266&highlight=360%2A
  9. LOL! I just did another jake-ism. I PM'd one member slating another member and just after I hit Send I suddenly thought "Did I send that to the right person....OH NO!" I reckon I've got CJD or something.
  10. Cool. As they say: Good luck with the sale.
  11. Jake


    Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Jake


    Charlotte, our 17 year old, got refused entry to the Vatican because her skirt was too short
  13. Jake

    rear diff

    Yeah, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Jake


    Depends. What is it, T4? T3? What?
  15. What, words like "Im" and "dont"? It ain't working mate!
  16. Jake

    rear diff

    I bet you'd get a cracking 0 to 10mph with one of those! Apart from that it's a daft idea.
  17. Congratualtions! But mate, No price, no pics, no location. Not likely to be a queue of interested folks, is there? Anyway, good luck with the new sprog
  18. You've got no excuse, Ed - you're not even old!
  19. It wasn't a joke. I just go blank sometimes and forget simple things. I blame the drugs. Also, when writing by hand I forget how to spell simple words sometimes. If I look at a word long enough I convince myself it's spelt wrong even when it isn't. Thank gawd for spellcheckers
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