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Everything posted by Jake

  1. It's not ridiculous at all. Just because you don't agree doesn't make it a daft question. Clearly Colsoop understood the point . . .
  2. Jake


    They can hardly say that to the rest of the world though. The outside world doesn't know about what goes/went on on the island. Hence them (Jack/Kate in court) claiming that only 8 people survived the crash.
  3. Jake


    How would somebody who wasn't pregnant at the time of the crash pass off a 4 month old baby as their own when they left the island?
  4. How many slow careful drivers fit roll cages?
  5. Owwww! That sounds nasty mate. Not exactly the neatest stitching in the world they've done there either, is it! When I was 17 I crashed my first motorbike and broke both my arms. That was a looong 6 weeks in plaster. You certainly find out who your friends are when you can't wipe your own arse.
  6. Ouch! Bad luck mate. Did your friend ever find that 10k he lost?
  7. Jake

    HID's which ones?

    Who wrote that? It's not an official DFT document, is it? At first glance it looks like a quote from the Road traffic Act but it's actually not at all. Is it not just a post or email somebody wrote?
  8. Jake

    HID's which ones?

    Where did you get that from? I'm sure it's incorrect.
  9. It's under the carpet in the passenger footwell. There's a large black plastic cover over it, held down with 2x 10mm nuts. How do you mean "peaked"? What boost pressure was it making at the time?
  10. As Imi says, most people in UK aren't watching 1080p TV, are they? What percentage of your viewing time is spent watching anything other than SD? Surely for the vast majority of us we are watching SD 90+% of the time. I know Rob spends a lot of time in the states, so he probably has a lot more access to HD broadcast TV, but for us UK guys watching TV, probably through a Sky box, its the SD performance that's most important - isn't it?
  11. Jake

    HID's which ones?

    4200K is the whitest and brightest but 6000k and above is more fashionable with the kiddies.
  12. Jake

    HID's which ones?

    plus £22 delivery
  13. I love spoonerisms. Years ago my internet 'non de plume' was Danny Fischarge
  14. I think they can be held against you (by insurance companies) for longer than they are are on your license, in some circumstances. ie speeding points are on your license for four years but you have to declare then to your Ins Co for five years. OTOH, drink/drug driving endorsements are on your license for like 11 years but you only have to declare then to Ins Co's for 5 years due to the Rehabilitation Of Offenders Act - or something like that Mad, isn't it?
  15. It wasn't you I meant specifically Steve, one of the other replies mentioned 17" wheels but like I said, it's not the wheels that matter. PS & OT I've just seen your email, will reply shortly.
  16. Of course it's the tyre size that affects the speedo reading, rather than the wheel size. Mine is pretty much spot on but then I don't have a DSC, the Motec does all that stuff.
  17. Yeah that's how it's supposed to be Darryl. Mine is the same and everything works OK.
  18. BTW, If you can create a separate partition to install each operating system you'll probably have less hassle in the long term. Although it does work on the same partition it simplifies things to have each on its own one.
  19. Yes you can install different versions of Windows on the same partition. When installing, it will notice that there's an existing Windows installation and if you choose to install the new one to a different directory it will then present you with a choice of OS to boot into when you start the PC. If you don't choose which one you want it will automatically boot into the newest one after 30 secs. (You can change this if you want though) The above applies to Win2k, XP, Vista etc - I've never used XPMC but I'm sure it's the same deal.
  20. WHOOPS! That joke didn't work very well - I've just had a very angry SteveR on the phone!
  21. Errr, sorry Steve but I've just had a better offer. JUST KIDDING MATE!!! : D
  22. Jake

    280 or 325?

    Didn't we do this just yesterday?
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