After a whiff of smoke the other day after coming off boost and finally getting my hands on a 550bhp capable SMIC, it's time to think about single turbo.
My aim ever since getting a Supra has been a 500bhp everyday car (car is currently fully BPU with a HKS EVC V). My current limitation is the W58 box that has been known to break around the 500 mark however, with that in mind, the TS04 Turbo is apparently good for 450bhp which would be a nice step into single territory, ready to fit a more capable turbo when the gearbox is upgraded this year.
With that in mind and a search already tried on this forum, does anyone have any info on a TS04 turbo? Does anyone also have a link to a single turbo conversion guide; I will browse however there may be a few out there.
I know I'll need the following so far:
Various oil lines???
Thanks in advance for any help.