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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by ben_harmer32

  1. Sold mine for £150 in August last year.
  2. I do love them! They're actually copies from blythmrk on here
  3. My son found it, it's where I pick him up from school.
  4. Simple things make me happy! lol https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0608418,-0.3068216,3a,39.7y,67.51h,72.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sf82rIuy_V6ORzXDJmKOWmw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  5. New seats for the Supra. Really comfortable
  6. Hi Paul, welcome to the club. Used TCB many times for parts, you've always been super helpful
  7. what's difference between J-spec and UK spec boxes?
  8. Hello, and welcome to the club!
  9. It hasn't been MOT'd since October 2009. So could be a plate change, sold abroad or written off?
  10. So my replacement bonnet is doing exactly the same thing just a few months after getting it. The ice showed up all the dimples. All very odd! Whifbitz have again agreed to replace it but unfortunatly were out of stock of these bonnets (this was in November, they were expecting more in a couple of months). I messaged a few days ago to see if they had any yet but they haven't read the message.
  11. Hello and welcome to the club!
  12. I recently fitted LS400 front brakes. I'm running Mtec disks and pads all round, also have their braded lines to fit at some point. https://www.mtecbrakes.com/brake-discs/lexus/ls400-89-00.html
  13. Looking good Jamie, can't wait to see it evolve into a monster Needs to sound as mental as your GTR, I had the pleasure of hearing that running at SRD. Amazing sound!
  14. Any half decent second hand stainless exhausts for sale please? Blitz/HKS?? Budget around £300
  15. Looking good mate! Those wheels really suit it
  16. Mine are running 1.3bar, turbos can handle more but i'm maxed out on the stock fuel injectors.
  17. I had my TT hybrids done at SRD, sure a few other companies do them as well. Would just be an additional cost sending them abroad?
  18. https://www.worthingherald.co.uk/news/man-dies-collision-a24-3059387?fbclid=IwAR1PZDJzZcmrALKa85s4ZJJcEbkF_bVNshVG_DWmXLCeQoDmo6CNf0yOVK4 So sad Was told the white toyota involved was a Supra.
  19. Received mine, it's great! Thank you very much
  20. Are you sure that's fake? Pretty sure it's a manual
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