My car is wrapped and covered in stickers.
If you paint work isn't 100% then wrapping is very hard to do. Had a lot of issues with mine when it was first done and i ended up painting some parts orange to match the wrap.
I bought my stickers from a company in Holland, they designed them from pictures of the movie car for someone else but were the most accurate i could find. If you give them shots of what you want i'm sure they could do the same.
I love the reactions i get from people, especially the kids (most just think it's a race car but surprised the number that know it's an F&F car). I've also received messages from people saying it's made there day seeing it, and if i'm not in a hurry to get anywhere i'm more then happy for people to sit in it and take pictures etc.
Also you'll find having a car decorated in a certain way can get you invited to a lot of shows which is also good fun