Been busy with the car.
1) 3" high flow stainless steel venom CAT. 2 days shipped from Australia!!
2) Replacement headlights. One of mine was damaged and the other was non-xenon, so now have a matching pair.
3) I want to go manual eventually, but as the car is tiptronic i thought it would be fine to fit some flappy paddles instead of the front mounted buttons. I had a spare steering wheel donated to me, and using paddles from a Peugeot 107 i retro-fitted them using some custom brackets. They work perfectly! (I just need to take them off again and make some proper covers, this could probably work for the tiptronic Supra as well)
4) Repainted my wheels as the bronze was flaking and falling off.
Think that's it for now, have some grade 6 spark plugs and a walbro fuel pump on the way. Then just need a boost controller and remap to complete stage 1.