ok i've had the surpa over a cpl of weeks now so it's time to start sorting out the little nuances ...
firstly over the last few days the car has developed ehat can only be described as a chirp. when i'm tuning round corners or on roundabouts intermettinly get a short chirp. the first few times i did actually think it was a bird overhead. i've had a search thourgh the forum but the word chirp doesnt seem to get any matches strangely ..
I'm also getting a fair bit of blue smoke when starting in the morning, it vanishes as the engine warms up and i've also noticed that i've got a very small oil leak. only a few drops on the drive so that's on the list to investigate, any recommendations ?
other than that i've got the usual assortment of rattles and squeeks that I'm off to hunt down this afternoon.