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Everything posted by paul_y3k

  1. paul_y3k

    fed up

    so engine codes ... is the Supra EOBDII ??? I've a mate that works for mitsi, so could i not use their diag machine to read em ?
  2. paul_y3k

    fed up

    brill - when are you free ?
  3. paul_y3k

    fed up

    cheers Jamie, I'm normally Ipswich or Swindon. So can be found on the m4, m25 or a12 quite often.
  4. paul_y3k

    fed up

    love to, but it's the daily drive got to get me from swindon to ipswich tomorrow
  5. paul_y3k

    fed up

    Ian, it's such a long story and to be honest it's starting to get lost in time. but yes it was a similar story of doing it cheaper. ( sponser cartype thing)suffice to say went to one supplier ... who ceased trading, got car back missing lots of engine went to another place who over time rebuilt it mapped it. went to third to look at small problems and fit rltc. whilst there engine goes bang, queue rebuild. will check error codes, provide piccys in the daylight. With regars the feeling - to me it just feels tired ? I would love a ride in a similar single to compare, or even have someone drive mine and tell me if I'm ok. front shocks, are just noisy, but that could be bumber related. I'm just wishing i could go back to twins.
  6. paul_y3k

    fed up

    true, but I only made the descion after talking to lots of people on here. So felt fairly confident. I'm also a sucker for beliving what the guys with the spanners tell me.
  7. paul_y3k

    fed up

    cheers guys thanks for the instruction book nic, and yes you are right, take each job etc etc. will start diving the work up and putting individual posts up and searching to find the how too's. just one of them day's i guess
  8. paul_y3k

    fed up

    I'm sorry but I'm fed up with the supra along time ago i went single had loads of probs which took an age to sort out. But I'm still just not happy. the car has soo many niggles I just don't know where to start. one thing on it's own is ok, but it's death by a thousand papercuts now. we have : 1) Cat sepereated from car, replaced with decat and that keeps breaking away from the zaust no matter how tight i clamp it. 2) the front bumber is rattling like mad by the passenger door 3) the carpet's got a big hole in it. 4) it just doesn't feel right under acceleration 5) i think the front shocks are on their way out. 6) the master caution light is always on - since going singleturbo. 7) the body work isn't upto much 8) I have no idea how the profec stuff works ! i just want to wave a wand and it all be sorted Each time i look at it i just want to buy a focus. but i do love driving it !
  9. errr my BF2 install works on vista ? ok it doesnt appear in the games menu but thats about it .
  10. yes i know ... but it's the sentimental value so i dont want to bin it.
  11. ok all, I've got an old neklace that my parent bought for me from spain years and years ago, which i've worn ever since. it's finally started to go green, so is there anythign i can do to clean it up ? could i get it re-golded ? Paul
  12. hmm right then looks like it's going to be a laugh. time to go buy the veet and the razor ?
  13. interpro ? in thonrbury ?
  14. lol yeah i have done. new venue now. problem is the girls im going with have dicided i should also be in a mini !
  15. Anyone been ? any good ? I've a freind coming over from new york and she's desperate to go there.
  16. ohh and theres my seti one. one of the guys we worked with was addicted to it and would install it on every machine he could find. So we created a simple vb app, that checked a directory to see if afile exsited. if it did it would pop up a dialogue with Seti at home title and what ever the txt was contained in the file. well after a while he got a message saying something like strange signal found re examining .. we did this a few weeks and then he got 'signal being snet to hq' at which point he was very happy !! a little while later he got an email from a Dr A. Stro (not subtle) saying the signal was not natural and it was being examined. at this point he was emailing all the company diretors telling them how useful it was etc and really getting on everyones nerves. soo about 3 weeks after that he gets another email from the Dr, telling him they had cleaned the source up and it was attached. We had recorded 15 seconds of Eastenders he wasn't impressed. especially as he'd sent it to all his mates without checking it first !
  17. ok here's one .... back when we were a lot young one of my friends was the first to move out inot a flat. well lucky for us he gave us all a key so if we pulled we had somewhere to go. 10 years later we still have the keys. so when he's at work, one of us will go in, leave a light on or something else very basic like making a cup of tea and just leaving it there. the poor guy is convinced he's going mad - and often say things to us along the lines of Im sure i switched lights off before going to work. i dont remember making tea ... we have decided to rest for the moment though as the other week, I was walking to the flat and meet my mate coming out of it ! ohh and he's started to twitch
  18. not sure, but there is a diffwerence between a uk and jap spec autobox.
  19. yep active spoiler is gone .. am going to run it into toyota to put it through the diag machine i think.
  20. after you've gone single were you left with the Master Caution light on ? i was and I'm guessing its complaining about missing turbo's etc. I;m just putting a list together of jobs to do and I'd like this one sorted as i'm worried abut other problems being masked. any ideas ?
  21. hmm not a 5 minute job then cheers all.
  22. elp.. Im trying to remove my baffel from my RSr and it's just sersily stuck. The bolt disapeared a long time ago but no matter how much force i use it's not moving. any ideas ?
  23. paul_y3k

    ModBall 2007

    err look two posts up from yours. My 3x ticket team is available
  24. paul_y3k

    ModBall 2007

    my team tickets is up for grabs still. can't find anyone who wants to come with me
  25. did this the other weekend, when i was down for a wedding. It's great fun in the car as for wookey .... 20 mins for far too much money in my opinon, the best bit of Cheddar is the sweet shop !!!
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