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Everything posted by MR.B

  1. Hi Heckler - try Warrior Motorsport - they fitted mine only a few weeks ago - done a good job too.
  2. After a lot of hassle with the Momo bosses not fitting correctly I got a jap one off Paul - fits a treat and good quality
  3. Looks real nice Dude got to get mine sorted ! What have you used for the brake/fog bulbs just red bulbs or leds??
  4. Im after doing this mod myself. Im glad the guys pointed out about the 4xJap and 4xUK spec rears - I was just going to get hold of any clear lenses I could. I'm assuming if you have Jap rears you will need another set of Jap clear lenses to replace the indicators. Then you will need the UK's clear lenses to replace the brake/fog lenses.
  5. Nice one Baldy - I was going to buy some new ones because I dont like the orange showing through. Ill have to give this a go. Try and get your pics up if you can id like to have a look.
  6. Did you have the same problem then mate?
  7. Ive been trying to work this one out myself. Although the odo still has km on it - it is actually now reading miles since conversion. Makes it a pig to work out its genuine milage. I think there was a post about this not so long back.
  8. Just finished installing some nice Defi BF gauges and the Defi-Link control unit. All seems to work fine apart from the illumination of the control unit. As soon as the ignition is switched on the unit illuminates how its supposed to then goes out after a few seconds. When I switch the lights on however it illuminates for a split second then goes out - any ideas? It worked fine when I had all the dash out and tried it. Only thing I can think is that I took the feed for illumination from the cigarette lighter and either the connection has come loose refitting the dash or there is not enough 'juice' getting there to power both? Any help much appreciated 'cos its buggin' me now!
  9. God Damn I wish I was coming - looks like its going to be a wicked turn out
  10. What time are you guys going to be down there until? Im not going to be able to get down there until late if I go now. I got work early tomorrow also
  11. Im going to have to drop out of this event now because ive just been informed that i've been put down to work this weekend due to staff shortages The buggars could have told me sooner! Used all of my blagging skills and it still couldnt get me out of it. If anything changes nearer the time then ill come along but I dont hold out much hope now. I hate work
  12. The 4th should be alright with me
  13. I can do either - 27th might be a bit tight as im in London all day but im sure it'll be ok. I'll just go with the flow!
  14. Im getting me a Sierra Estate run around car in the next month or so - probably just get it after this meet. Good job really I might not have known which to take - ooohhhh the agony of choice Supe,Sierra,Supe,Sierra
  15. It seems like all the Novas/Escorts blah blah Sheds etc hang around up near the arcades and take up all the room up there. The casino end the last time I went down had some real nice Jap motors parked up. Still the occasional shed down that end though
  16. yeah thats it - you run along the seafront then take a left under the bridge. Good areas for parking down that end.
  17. What part of the seafront are we going to park up in? You got the first part where all the arcades run along and then the lower part further along - this has a better parking area
  18. I might come along to this when a date is confirmed. Havent had me dose of Renault 5's and RS Turbos this year Totally agree with Steves quote about Sarfy above! Sooooo true!
  19. Id be interested in one of those Paul. Ive got a new wheel sitting here at the moment too and can't fit it. Tried out a Momo boss but didnt really want to mess around cutting bits for it to fit properly.
  20. If you're going up for the day be it the Saturday or Sunday then I think you'll find you'll be alright with the Supe. If howevr you are going to camp overnight then take another car! Too much trouble after dark with drunks and drunk drivers doing burn outs and just driving around for no reason. Nearly had my Cosworth wiped out a few years back by some twat doughnutting in amongst other peoples cars No way id take the Supe camping there!
  21. Sunday October 12th - Japanese Performance RWYB - Public Track Day at Santa Pod Raceway. Japanese Cars Only Traders Show Cars Club Areas & Displays Ticket Details You can buy the tickets on the day if you like, but from past experience I'll tell you it's a lot less hassle to have them before you get there. Simply call them on 01234 782828 and ask for tickets to the Japanese Performance Show. As for the dyno run, if you want to pre-book it to ensure you get a place simply chose a free slot from the list and e-mail [email protected] to confirm it. £50 on the day, cash prefered. Tickets booked (2 spaces remaining) 1. Terminator 2. Branners 3. Terry 4. Leon 5. Mawby 6. Trig10UK 7. Lust2luv 8. GavinL 9. Ouzolover 10. Supraguy 11. Roy 12. Mid'lifecry'sis 13. SimonB 14. Matt B 15. Bobbeh 16. millhouse 17. dude 18. Geezabloke 19. ad500 20. Jive 21. SoonToHaveSoop 22. SoonToHaveSoop's friend 23. Suprachargedtt 24. Justin 25. Matt Harwood 26. Supradude666 27. John K 28. Steve W2 29. Doug 30. Gordon Flynn 31. afennell 32. Wipeout 33. supra TT myster 34. TLicense 35. dandan 36. RobSupra 37. Springbok 38. pulse 39. 40. Dyno runs 09:30 10:15 Wipeout 11:00 Jive 11:45 Justin 12:30 Mawby 13:15 Millhouse 14:00 GavinL 14:45 Matt B 15:30 Alan Hunt 16:15 Tony License
  22. Its not too bad Mawby - quite a good laugh! Large numbers of Novas and Escorts mind but then again a few Supes and other jap cars to check out Probably worth a look if you havent got anything else on
  23. A little way off yet - Ultimate Street Car - 8th,9th and 10th August. Just wondering if any of you guys are going to be heading down to the pod for a weekend of fun and track action?! If so - be good to meet up with some of you chaps and chapesses Check out the site at http://www.ultimatestreetcar.co.uk
  24. Hello guys, Anyone know how I go about removing the front indicators? They are the older style with the fixing through the top of the bumper. Can I get these off easily or do I need to remove the headlights or front bumper?
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