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Everything posted by scott87

  1. Cool thanks. I will get it fitted tomorrow then :-)
  2. Yer leaving first cat in. The exhaust will stay standard silencers until after winter when my exhaust has finally given up. But having the decat fitted tomorrow. Was just worried it may not fit but im assuming it will if you can buy 3" or 2.5" decats.
  3. Half an inch will surely not make that much difference? Im putting the 2nd decat and that is it, keeping the rest of the exhaust standard.
  4. I was just wondering what the real difference is in having a 3" 2nd decat over a 2.5" other than the obvious being size. I have just received mine and went for a 3" but im just wondering.
  5. Ok thanks for the reply. I will just get a spare standard diff just incase anything happens to mine. I have V expensive tyres on now anyway and fairly new oem shocks, so perhaps there are other areas i should be looking at too.
  6. Wow, yer i was looking at the standard supra one that ive seen go for around £150. Spending £1300 would be my entire car budget blown.
  7. Cool i was a tad confused with what to do with it. What does it do exactly. Is it best disconnecting it entirely, bridging it or just tiying out the way but leaving sensor and all connected?
  8. Ive just bought a 2nd decat, waiting for it to be delivered today. What do you do with the exhaust temp sensor, do you just bridge this or should there be aplace to install it on the decat. Bought one of the ebay specials at £90
  9. Ill be attending. :-) Dyno run too.
  10. Ok thanks. What do people mean when they say open diff? Looking at this im pretty sure i have the one on the right. Which would make it the non lsd one.
  11. Also still looking for pictures to check which diff exactly i have.....
  12. sweet thanks. So it is the ao2b im looking for ideally. This will be a diff from a auto tt turbo?
  13. Ok thanks. So im looking for a tt diff or a n/a lsd diff. What price should i expect to pay. Very low mile lsd are available from japan for £280 so im guessing around 150?
  14. Ive heard changing to the tt auto one screws up gearing on the n/a? Is it possible that someone has changed my diff as i dont have these breather holes? Im guessing i should wait for some tech pictures before i state that though.
  15. i have checked my vin and apparently i have a ao1a diff as i have the letter a on my diff. But im confused as im supposed to have air vents in the diff? Which im pretty sure i dont after looking at it closely. Does anyone have a picture of the lsd and normal diff together? Im trying to work out which i have and how hard it is to fit lsd to a n/a if it is even worth doing etc. Ive just done a diff oil change and had a fair amount of metal stuck to the diff drain plug so am wondering if i should be getting ready to change it.
  16. Thanks for the reply. I'm assuming you can fit this direct to the standard exhaust? As in keep standard parts either side of this
  17. thanks :-) Unfortunately it highlighted a few chips etc so got to tend to those another day... Yer im thinking of getting a 2nd decat now= and keeping the rest stock, but wire brush the old exhaust down and high temp paint treat it.. Hoping that is a good solution and as close to stock as possible.
  18. Washed, polished and shampooed the interior today. Looking great imo
  19. Hmmm dam electrics, i have never had luck with repairing these type things myself! Ill have a good look. Does the dash come apart easily?
  20. Does anyone have a before and after dyno run with an induction kit. Id like to see some real proof that they dont reduce power, not to fussed about gaining its more for the sound. :-p
  21. Thats great advice thanks. I will look into that today. If the connector had come adrift from the driver side mirror would this brake the circuit and stop both mirrors folding in?
  22. Ok so i had loads of exhaust help but just want to make totally sure before i hit buy that this is the right one for my 1995 n/a. This can be deleted after the first person says yes http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180775878443?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_500wt_971
  23. Should add ive used the search function and i can find a lot of people asking this question but not many solutions.
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