Yay finally hit boost! Although now have run into a few other problems.
Managed to get the ecu sorted and clean up the crank signal using a resistor. This has now gotten rid of the weird issue we were having.
First test out was a completely dud as i had plumbed the wastegate in correctly so as soon as we hit positive boost i blew an intercooler hose. Refitted that and all was well.
Anyway managed to get out and sort a map for the car and then began to pull into boost to map for that. All going really well and then as soon as the 'big' power kicked in the clutch lets go at around 6k (i think), so eased back off. So the car is mapped to allow me to have a little play on low boost and not hit any high rpm until the new clutch can be dropped in end of next week. I'm not surprised the clutch let go as the car put down a hell of a lot more power than i was expecting it too!
Also need to remove the asis valve as when this is opening it is causing some really choppy air. Through the knockbox it sounds very messy so this is going to be removed and plate to house a sensor placed there until my new intake is designed and built For now we will just 'map' the asis valve out as such.
No pics as there was nothing to photograph!