I went out for a bit of a drive this morning whilst delivering a few things, only opened her up properly once, when a friendly policeman wanted a bit of a race
anyway i parked up after, turned the engine off, delivered the bits then off i went. Pulling away from some lights (slowly), the big red "!" pops up on the dash in the middle or the rpm and also the little orange engine light. Both stayed on for the 2 miles i had to drive home and during this time the car performed as it should, engine temps all fine etc etc.
These are the lights that are on when i turn the ignition the first couple clicks before cranking.
I started the car again and the warning light had gone off? But just to confirm it was the the orange engine one and "!" that came on whilst driving.
The engine oil looks fine, apart form being close to needing changing, the coolant is fine as were the engine temps according to the dash, the brake fluid is full although this is in desperate need of being changed for new fluid, but it is full.
Any help would be great please.