*Not in TTC old pictures used*
I had it in the garage yesterday scratching my head as to what the problem could be so I decided to refurbish the coil pack clips (for the 2nd time in 3 months) and check the resistance of the coil packs. and do a compression test.
Turns out all 6 coil packs have a resistance of 0.9 -1.0 Ohms when cold
and compression was consistent across all 6 of 185 - 190 PSI (12.7 - 13.1 bar)
So the test drive was this morning and the car no longer has a misfire and second turbo is now becoming effective, easily reaching the legal speed limit *Thanks Mellonman*
For good measure, I then changed the spark plugs and will test again, take a picture of plugs and see what's going on inside...
BUT theres still the boost problem..
on the Sequential system guide:
I've got the full decat BPU, but when the throttle is down progressively the boost is SOMETIMES raised no more than 0.3 - 0.4 bar of boost maximum at 5k revs, and sometimes 0.7 bar with both turbos online. 2nd turbo is effective at 4k revs.
I've also used an actuator pressure gauge to diagnose both the turbo actuators and are working : (Picture below are pictures used while in TTC, I am no longer in TTC)
Coil Pack Clips - http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?61141-How-To-Refurbish-coil-pack-connectors&highlight=pack
Resistance Values - http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/content.php?68-EFI-Ignition-(2JZ-GTE)
Sequential System - http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?35926-The-sequential-system