Anyone here do music production/home studio stuff? I'm just getting some gear together and could do with some advice on the next shopping list/
I currently have:
Roland FP-7 stage piano
M-audio keystation mini
Acoustic guitar and drum kit
FL studio 12
Korg Kaossilator pro (not arrived yet, but on the way)
I've also got access to an MPC500, but I don't think this will be much use to me at the moment. Having seen what it can do, it looks like more of a tool for live music.
right now I'm using a pair of Monitor audio RS6 speakers, biamped through some cambridge audio P500's; the dynamic range on these seems to be coping quite well so far, but I'm a bit worried about damaging them. I'll probably get some headphones sorted out soon, I've got a CA dacmagic plus that I'm currently using as the audio out for the PC, which has a headphone socket.
Things I need advice on:
Audio interface - right now I'm looking at the Focusrite 2i4 2nd gen; I'm not going to need more than 2 channels recording at the same time, as I can just layer stuff up/over dub.
Microphones - currently looking at an MXL 990 condenser, but I've got a budget of £100 so any advice would be good
I could also do with some kind of USB mixing desk with motorised faders, or over midi so I can link it to mixing channels in FL studio.
Anything else I might need for basic voice/guitar recording. I'm not looking to get the drum kit recorded, as I'd need a ridiculous amount of channels on the audio interface and it's just as cost effective to go and buy a second hand electronic kit. The old TD20's are getting cheap now.