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Everything posted by JamesArup

  1. I just popped out to put some more money on my ticket and I saw you parked up in Mary's Road Carpark in Guildford. Nice clean looking Black car with the numberplate on the dashboard. I left a tatty mkivsupra.net calling card under your windscreen wiper Mine was parked about 20 yards away, next to the ticket machine Cheers, James
  2. Here's one that I use to 'chill out' to . Never get tired of it though.
  3. I'm not sure what for ... but I think I want one . Seems like something from NASA in there! So you can just sit a new/rebuilt engine on that and it will do all the tiresome "running in" for you, without you having to control yourself for the first 500 miles or so under 4k rpm? Cheers, J
  4. I've seen a few places where I live with 2+ bedrooms, garage even a garden for under £1000 pcm ... which is VERY good for this area. It's the Windlesham, Ascot, Sunningdale area (not far from Guildford, where I work, or Windsor). About 35 mins from Waterloo on the Waterloo-Reading service and a nice 'green belt' area with plenty of nice open spaces around More important than all of this though .. there is a very popular rolling road VERY close by, and one of the most respected tuners
  5. Actually, I should be able to give you some feedback on this turbo, but on a car without the cams, fairly soon At the moment it's only mapped to 1 bar because of some "internal issues", but a rebuild will soon sort that. But Dude took me out in it over the weekend, and even at 1.0 bar it's savage to say the least. I honestly wasn't aware of any lag, it was just instant apocalyptic power I think the last check was 475bhp at just 1.0 bar before we started to hit a misfire, so there is loads more potential once that's sorted out as the turbo is only just starting to hit the sweet spot at that boost. I'll do a proper update once everything is done and running ... I don't want to jinx it any more than it already has been Cheers, J
  6. Agreed, saw this yesterday too and it looks great. Really brings the interior up-to-date Dude ... if you find my eyeballs in my car anywhere, can I have them back please. They'll probably be on the back seat somewhere Cheers, J
  7. I lived in Madrid with my girlfriend for 2 years, but I was made redundant in November 2008. I stayed there for 6 months (being a bum) before getting a job back in the UK and moving home. She is still working in Madrid now (she's Italian), but hoping to get a transfer to the UK office within the next month...I can't wait. I phone her everyday and we speak all day long on MSN at work, so things are ok. We don't see each other as often as we would like because it just gets far too expensive. There are the obvious ups and downs, but no more than any other 'normal' relationship. I guess if both parties are willing to make it work, and there is some degree of patience in terms of finding a solution, then it will all be fine. Cheers, J
  8. Although I am obviously a little biased, but have you tried Dante's Inferno. Similar style of game to GOW, but set around the seven deadly sins and the circles of hell. It's what I call a 'pretty button-basher with big weapons', similar to "Ninety-Nine Knights", "Heavenly Sword", "God Of War", even "Chaos Legion" if you want to go old(ish) school. I'm really enjoying it right now, the atmosphere and the story are pretty cool, especially if you pick up on the references throughout the game to myths, legends and religious stories. I have heard that Shadow of the Colossus 2 was supposed to be in production, but this is an industry rumour that's been bouncing around for some time now. Supposedly developed for PS3 (obviously) with 2-player mode too.
  9. I'm in for sure if my car is back ... I live 5 mins away!
  10. Aha! Hey Paul I still miss her sometimes . There were also some great guys active on the forum back in those days But I am sure I will forget all about that once the new, improved Supra is back in my hands Just found this old school clip of Bolney back in 2003. The GTI-R at the end is how good they can sound Bolney 2003 Cheers, J
  11. I had a GTI-R for about 3 years before my Supra (which I've had for 5 years now). Loved it to bits to be honest .. I was running about 315bhp at 1.2 bar, but that's about as far as you'd want to go on standard internals/gearbox. I had no mechanical issues at all with mine though over the years I had it ... although I heard the new owner blew the gearbox to bits about a month after I sold it *sigh* The gearbox is the weak part ... once you go over 300bhp, that's the part most likely to give up on you. Having said that, they are deadly fast. Off the line, my Supra would have no chance against it, but it would soon reel it in at higher speeds. It's a really enjoyable drive and I don't think you will get much more 'bang for buck' in a car at the price. Having said all that, this was a good 5 years ago now, and even then it was getting hard to find a decent one. Back then they were just about obscure enough to avoid the majority of the 'chav scene'. These days, when I see one, the chances are that the driver has a cap that doesn't seem to fit properly, LED washer jets, and a fag hanging out of his mouth! Some other members on here came from the same GTI-R 'era' as me, such as Cashpoint and Mr. Charlesworth ... but I'm not sure if they are still active on here either. Cheers, J
  12. Had mine done by Gibson (or Gibson & Boyne as they were known back then) about 4-5 years ago now in leather with black piping. Still look as good today as they day they were done. Very good quality and tough as old boots! I can't remember the cost unfortunately, but it was part of a club group buy back then. I'm sure a few others were in on it. Here's one: - Cheers, J
  13. Got to love the way that at the end she says that "of course she wears her 'best' pair of pyjama's to go shopping". Well ... that makes it all fine then! God forbid being caught outside the house in that tatty 10 year-old pair
  14. Yah .. looking really good . Once you have some good source images to work with, you can just mess about with Photmatix etc all day long until you find a pic you like (put the aerial down though ) I took this yesterday ... I know it's not a Supra, but I was dead chuffed ... I called him Brian http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/030/5/c/Ladybird_by_TheHoodedMan.jpg Keep experimenting, that's the best way. Can't wait to start taking shots of the Supra again now I've been geeking up on some techniques Cheers, J
  15. Yah, someone come and fix the roads in and around Guildford please, they are terrible! Some of the potholes on the way into the carpark that I use are like small swimming pools. I'm driving a TVR at the moment, but the Supra has much lower profile tyres, and I'm dreading what might happen to my wheels once I get her back!
  16. There is a filter in Photoshop that creates a similar effect, but I can't remember which one it is .. I think it's called 'Posterisation' or something like that! Basically it turns photos into a 'cartoony' looking poster. I'll have a look when I get home tonight. I have the full version of Photomatix too, so you don't get the watermarks all over it
  17. I think that's gone beyond HDR and into the realms of cartoon/painting ... but I really like it, looks cool
  18. I think Lbm hit the nail on the head. I tend to go for 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2) and then use a tripod with the self-timer, or a remote if you have one. Even the lightest touch on the shutter button can cause a little bit of movement. Thankfully my camera allows me to set it to take 3 shots automatically at 3 different exposures, which is very useful. Also, if your camera supports it, try to use the photos you take in RAW format, as opposed to JPEG or similar. RAW preserves the original colours much better (although the file size is much bigger) which makes the final image that bit nicer after post-production Photmatix generally seems to be the software of choice for HDR composition too. Check out some of these tutorials that really helped me: - Photomatix Tutorial 1 HDR Tutorial List Basically ... Practise makes perfect. HDR shots are always nicer with a bit of sky/landscape in the background, like you said. Here's one I did a while back where I kinda went a little over the top .. but you get the idea . I'll be trying some more now that I've learned more about the technique once my car is back. Cheers, J
  19. I have a 500D, but my Dad has the 400D, I love both. I have a DeviantArt page here with some examples (I'm just a beginner, don't flame me!!). The pic of my Supra right at the top was taken with the 400D ... I love it . It's got loads of features to keep you busy for a long time and perfectly capable of taking professional quality photos Cheers, J
  20. And no, I don't have Frosty. I have all the other Collectors Edtions (still sealed), but never got Lich King (yet )
  21. Oooh, I was there too with my Mrs . Mini Tyrael ftw
  22. Hehehe .. that's the only 25 man boss we have left (actually Agalon too). He's a bit of a nightmare! So much going on, so much stuff to avoid and be cautious of. Getting a little better each try though .. we'll have him by next week I hope!
  23. Ahaha! I was about to say that. Missed it ... was in ICC 25 Seen it before though, some people do go a little OTT with it. I run a guild of 250+ people, we've cleared pretty much all current 10 & 25 man content, but we are not 'hardcore'. 3 raids a week, starting at 9pm for 3 hours, as the majority of us are 'older' and work etc etc. That's just about acceptable whilst still maintaining a social-life (sort of ) (p.s. Anyone playing on Zenedar )
  24. Seconds after I took this ... I was flat .... and cold!
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