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Everything posted by JamesArup

  1. We've had at least 1 Range Rover in the family since the mid 80's (the price of having dogs, horses etc etc)! Love them to bits. We just got rid of the old 1996 Vogue SE which we had, and it was great. 200,000 miles, up mountains and through bogs in Scotland and a daily driver to boot. We've now got a 2005 Range Rover and a 2008 Disco .... both are great. The Range Rover is a diesel this time, but that too has been up mountains and taken everything we've thrown at it in it's stride (heated steering wheel is a big win in this weather too!). My first car after I passed my test was a Series 3 Land Rover ... so we are fans!! Having said all that, you probably will find that the Japanese equivalents are cheaper to buy, just as reliable and probably cheaper to fix and maintain. I can't comment on the 2003 Land Rover models as we skipped those ones Cheers, J
  2. Ewwww, the Varis is UGLEH!! TRD for sure I have a cheeky little Greddy ... hard to notice the difference from a standard spoiler until you park it next to another Supra.
  3. Supra was always top of my list after about 3 years of Nissan Pulsar GTI-R ownership before that (still love that car). I also looked at RX-7's (but the cost of engine maintenance scared me a little), R33 GTR's (R34's were a bit too expensive), 3000GT's (too much like driving a boat). Even the odd Scooby and Evo if it was a nice one! Made the right choice anyway, and still have the Supra I got off Ben Linney (now known as GT-Culture) 4+ years later Cheers, J
  4. JamesArup

    Laid off.

    For once, it wasn't raining! But I didn't get a chance to see the wheels. It was dark at the time, so I only really saw it was a Supra as it went past...didn't have time to see much else
  5. JamesArup

    Laid off.

    Sorry to hear that dude. Same thing happened to me this time last year (was working in Madrid at the time) after being with the same company for almost 9 years. Sucks at first, but stay positive. Enjoy a little bit of free time to do the things you want to do, spend a day spamming every possible website with CV's and applications, and before long something will come along! Are they giving you some redundancy pay to keep you ticking along? The irony being that I moved back to the UK and I am now working in Guildford, for the same company, but just as a contractor for now. Maybe it was you I saw the other day heading towards Guildford, on the A322, just before Worplesdon - http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=202424. I hope it all works out, Cheers, J
  6. Not for quite some time . I think Bad Company 2 is the next on the radar for the beginning of next year.
  7. Here be mine http://www.orias.co.uk/jamesa_supe1.jpg Cheers, J
  8. 360 works for sure, we were playing retail copies of that a week ago. But last time I looked, there was a STEAM message just stating that the game isn't released yet and therefore can't be activated. Although that was a few days ago, so maybe they have propped the servers now with the authentication script.
  9. Yah ... the release date is the 20th because we (EA) are releasing it, and I was the one planning the schedule, so I just double-checked . Unless some places are releasing it early that I don't know of, but they shouldn't. And even if they do, the STEAM servers won't be activated until the 20th, so you won't be able to play the PC version either way. Dragons Age is an RPG, but not MMO. It's basically like an MMO, but 'offline'. If you've ever played WoW, it's kinda like raiding a 5-man dungeon, but you have control of all of the players (although 4 in the case of Dragon Age). So you control the tank, healer, DPS etc yourself. It's backed up with a pretty cool storyline too .. about 100 hours of gameplay. It has all the trappings of an MMO, but at least you know that it's finite, and you won't be sucked in for the rest of your life. It's on PC and 360, but I would reccomend the PC version over the 360 version by a long way!! There are so many commands and menus and actions, that it's simply too much of a pain to play without a mouse and keyboard!! Cheers, J
  10. Both the PC and X360 versions are released on Friday 20th. At least they better be ... I planned the release schedule!! I've had the PC version for about a week now, but gutted, STEAM won't activate it until release day, so I've not been able to play it properly at home yet! Although I'm still geeking out on Dragon's Age right now, so no rush Cheers, J
  11. Saw you around 5.40pm as I was heading from work. You had just gone through the traffic lights with the golf course on the left, heading towards Worplesdon. Hard to spot in the darkness of the evening, but it was deffo a white Supra . You wouldn't have seen me as I'm still in the TVR at the mo Cheers, J
  12. Absolutely, and with any luck the car will be a whole lot different from when you last saw her Do I see an open spot at 14.15 there . I wouldn't mind a power-run, but I'm just not sure if I will have my car back by then! I would really hope so though as I could almost walk to Surrey RR Cheers, J
  13. Aww, I didn't see this! Surrey RR is about 1 min from my house these days (if it's still in the old Qinetic/Tank Factory site on Chobham Common?). I might drop over to say hello during the day assuming I have my car back! It's my birthday that day too, hurrah
  14. Sounds like the same one that I see most mornings as I head down the A322 into Guildford and he's heading towards the M3. I don't think he's on the forums, but he does give a little wave each time :cool:
  15. Oh ... ahahaha, you replied as I was posting! Didn't realise your car was at AFR. I think we might have the perfect arrangement in the making here . Maybe give Dude a quick shout and I'm sure he can give you a bit more info on the condition. Cheers, J
  16. Funny you should mention this ... I just got off the phone to Dude. My J-spec turbos are off my car and over at AFR if that's of any use to you? I don't need them anymore Done about 60,000 miles I think and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with them. They will probably come with some polished pipework too . Have yours died or something? Drop me a PM if you are interested and I'm sure we can figure something out with the chaps over at AFR. Cheers, J
  17. Horde Scum! I have 2 x Grand Marshal characters from back in the day, so you can imagine how much time that took (although the vast majority of that was AFK waiting for BG queues). I still play to this day, pretty much everyday, but if a friend calls and wants to go for a beer, game of squash etc etc, then WoW gets immediately sidelined . There are many MANY people who would do the opposite. I work for EA though, have done for 9 years now, so I get a lot of exposure to this particular arguement and, of course, I play a few games here and there . Totally agree with the posts above .. it's not the games' fault, it's a matter of society and parenting. As was mentioned before, if it's not a game being blamed then it will be TV, Movies, Music, Animals, Barbie, Tellytubbies, those little yellow things that you get in urinals to keep them clean and fresh etc etc .. there will always be something to blame, a 'scapegoat' if you will. Games just seem to be an easy target because the people that complain about them have had no exposure to them, or no real understanding of them ... which means it MUST be their fault. That'll do for now J
  18. Saw you just waiting to get onto a small roundabout as I was going over it on Monday evening near 6pm. It was dark, but unmistakably a Supra. I think it was black, but could have been any other dark colour. I was in a TVR, so you wouldn't have noticed me Cheers, J
  19. Likewise . But WITH logo I'm like a magpie when it comes to shiny things!
  20. You just need to ask 1 question: - Question 1: Do you play online alot? 1.YES 2.NO If you answered "Yes" to question number 1 - Get a 360 If you answered "No" to question number 1 - Get a PS3 Graphics quality is a bit of an out-dated concept these days. They are all much the same, and it's all about gameplay now. I work for the biggest games company on the planet, and 90% of the people here swear by the 360 as the better gaming platform (both for playing on, and certainly for developing/support). The PS3 is a very good piece of kit though and you wouldn't be disappointed with either. As some others have said, take a look at the software on both platforms, and see what would be the 'killer apps' for you. Cheers, J
  21. /SLAPS ... that's my wages you are downloading there!! But yah ... lot more work went into it this year. New Studio, made in the UK etc etc. Cheers, J
  22. Spotted a very clean and nice sounding 'bronze' Supra on the A322 in West End/Bisley (heading towards Guildford) at about 5.50pm on Monday. Unfortunately you wouln't have noticed me as I was in the Range Rover (Supra is off the road having ... "upgrades" ;P) Cheers, J
  23. !!BOING!! I'm dropping this to £2800 now as I am so fed up with scammers and time wasters. If I'm going to sell it cheap, then I would much rather that it went to someone who has a passion and enthusiasm for Japanese performance cars, than some dodgy scammer looking to make a few quick $$$'s. Cheers, J
  24. Howdy folks, Righty ... I am looking to sell my 1997 "P" Reg Mitsubishi Evo IV. Here is the background: - Background: The car has done 121405 miles, of which I've probably only done 1000, maybe less. I got a fairly good deal on the car a little over 2 years ago after the previous owner was banned from driving. My plan was to make it a bit of a 'project' car where I could spend some time and do it up. Unfortunately, I was told that my job was moving to Madrid about 3 weeks after I bought the car, and it never reached the potential that I had planned for it. I am now back from Spain, but I don't have the time to put into the car anymore, and I need to focus on the Supra alone . For that reason, I am looking for a nice new owner who is after a potential project/track car to work on. Specs/Mods: The car was fairly standard when I bought it. The only noticeable changes were some kind of lightened bonnet, and an aftermarket exhaust that had, quite frankly, seen better days. I have done some work to the car myself as follows - new spark plugs, bailey dump valve, blitz induction, A-pillar guage pod, full speaker replacement and a brand new Blitz NUR Spec full exhaust system (best part of £600), which has done about 5 miles! The "Not so great part": Whilst I was away in Madrid some thieving scum travellers broke into the private and secure place where I was keeping the EVO, and they did their best to take it. Little did they know that I had removed the battery, the ECU and a bunch of fuses. They smashed off the passenger door handle, punched a hole in the door, and pulled out the locking mechanism. Once in the car, they smashed the steering surround and tried to hotwire the car .. they even left a screwdriver in the ignition barrel! They also took the stereo faceplate, but nothing else. Whilst breaking in, they also bent the driver doorframe at the top a little too However, the damage that has been done is purely cosmetic and should be very easy to fit. Mechanically the car is very sound, and it started the instant I put the battery back in after I returneed. The car still goes like a bullet and flies around corners like it's on rails. It never fails to put a big grin on your face . This is an ideal car to make into a 'project' for the weekends, but it's also equally viable as a daily driver with some very minor work. Either that, or it would make a great little track car. I am looking for around £3250 for the car. This is much less than I paid for it, I've only added about 1000 miles since I've had it, yet I've spent upwards of £1000 on it in the short time that I had the chance. It's currently declared SORN, and the MOT is due in 4 weeks. I have done about 3 miles since the last one!! Here are some pics: - http://www.bouncingbullet.com/images/evo1.jpg More images: - Evo Pic 2 Evo Pic 3 Evo Pic 4 Evo Pic 5 Evo Pic 6 - Pass. Door Handle Damage Evo Pic 7 - New NUR Spec Evo Pic 8 - Interior Damage Evo Pic 9 - Forced Door-Frame Damage If you are interested, or have any questions, feel free to drop me a PM Cheers, James
  25. I've chucked this up on Ebay now ... need to sell it to fund 'other' projects You can find it HERE Cheers, J
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