Hi everyone
After 2 years of rebuilding my supra, I have an slight issue. The engine won't rev above 3000 rpm, it seems like a limp mode or something like that. After a complete engine rebuild, new internal, new turbo, new intake, new injectors and so on. None of which shouldn't be relevant to the fault I'm experiencing.
It started by, I though it was due to the upgrade from 720cc low impedance to 1000cc high impedance. I went to my local tuner, experienced supra tuner, and after 1 hour of rechecking the map and further faults in the box he called me, and meant that the injectors was defect(or at least not giving fuel as 1000cc should). Wen revving the car hits 3000rpm and the lambda gauge goes lean (>22). I brought the car back and at first changed the injectors to 720cc, but no changes.
I made some videoes:
https://youtu.be/keZmox4NDjQ - engine revving and "limping" around 3000rpm.
https://youtu.be/WHOHz0z63mE - lambda guage going lean.
What I have already checked:
Checked the HKS FCON for sensor faults = No one found
Checked the Stock ECU for sensor faults = Found two knock sensors wasn't connected, fixed but no change.
Checked voltage on injectors = 14,3-14,6volts
Put ground on igniter module = no change
Put ground on Resister box = no change
Checked timing, 15-17 degrees in idle
I made two other findings, which I find strange.
1: When I pull the plug to the ECU water temp sensor, the engine is running a lot nicer and idles better. But still have the max 3000rpm issue.
2: If I start it immediately and rev it, it goes above 3000rpm, and then suddenly drops to 3000rpm. Please see video: https://youtu.be/rcY2tVbpBUs
So here is the complete list of things changed during the rebuild:
New internals
Changed from a aftermarket intake manifold to stock intake
Removed TRAC
Removed ABS
Moved fuse box to the rear compartment
New turbo
Anyone who has some great ideas of what to look for next? I'm loosing my courage with this issue.
Best Regards Claus