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  1. my saxo (first car) was veteren red my next car (current) is a flame red corsa and i keep looking at other red cars but i want a different colour so it doesnt fade as bad :L (as my car sits out in the open kinda and sun always hits it during the whole day
  2. yea there all miles away this one is close and in decent nick... (apart from the last picture but thats kinda hidden so not much to worry about) or there is this.. which has a few problems main one its a auto lol (i dont really look at auto's) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1993-TOYOTA-SUPRA-BLACK-/270944054798?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f15862e0e
  3. few things, 1 your other side of the uk... im near aberdeen and it will cost me about 300-400 to get down and back, and 2 i really like it but its red lol i want a different colour than red :L but i like the areotops though... if it does fall through though i might be intouch if i can figure out how to travel like 600 or so miles lol
  4. found a supra local to me (20 miles away) for sale for arround 2500 silver http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1993-TOYOTA-SUPRA-SILVER-JZA40-non-turbo-FULL-VEILSIDE-KIT-/330712134685?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item4cfffab41d looks decent enough i kinda like the subs etc but thats my preference hopefully this will be mine by next week if all goes to plan
  5. haha thanks was ment to be meeting drift bear last week some time but he never got intouch with me lol never mind though will let every one here know if my car sells (fingers crossed) and im sure ill slap up a progress thread here too and get membership i am still keepeing my eye open in the fs section
  6. got a guy comming to view my car on friday for £3270 so fingeres crossed it sells so i can get my self a supra
  7. iv been waiting for aaaaaaages to sell my car... then it got vandlised so had to fix that up before i could sell it again and its currently on PH and gum tree atm and i have been after a supra for a long time now... never even sat in one and if i did would prob need a change of clothes lol
  8. ye i can see classified section but not post i am keeping an eye on that also, and currently i need to sell my corsa first which i hope will give me maximum for 3500 (just droped the price on the advert to hopefully make it sell) so ill have roughly about that much to find one... if its far away in england (they are always cheaper down there apparently) then ill need to keep some to go down and collect it and drive it home...
  9. well just got a e-mail about the rx7 and they want cash only... well thats that out with window... i feel so depressed i cant get a supra
  10. im still looking for one to even swap with but no luck its like every 1 wants one and garages on PH are being arrogant c*nts and not even replying to e-mails :/ which is rude
  11. yea i hard if something breaks its like a whole engine rebuild... which tbh im not to keene on lol... friend said it should have been changed at 80k or so (i duno what bit he is on about i know nothing about under the bonnets... more of a style person) which i will ask if they reply to my e-mail... other than that none of the jus-sports or that rally place in rishton have replyed to my e-mails not looking good to get any new car...... on the other hand i got offered a jag x type last night... but ehhhh no...
  12. hmm its not a supra... but its f*cking red again!!!! (i cant find another car that i like thats not red appart from supra) but it is niiiice..... http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3613638.htm a nice pretty standard RX7 1991 turbo e-mailed then to see about a PX or anything if they want to.... what you guys think???
  13. today arround 4pm in montrose at the beach front... didnt see the reg or anything thought it was drif bear but he said it wasnt so who else was arround montrose??? if he is on this site
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