Sorry, my dad had a 10 second 70s challenger before I was born, not a supra. He spent 11 years of hes life building it up with every penny he earnt to end up rolling it with in 3 weeks of completion. 10 years after this he got rid of it for 3 and a half grand and lost hes mind with hes passion for cars!
He`s not into jap cars and calls them toys, but I love them and if theres one thing to do in life is to follow in hes foot steps but with MY dream car.
Your right, I have never driven a supra. The way things are going I should have one by christmas and have my fully built short block finished by christmas to drop straight in.
What ever way I decide to go after this im sure i`ll have a good future.
A house is a long way a way yet, a good 7 years is the plan. This gives me chance to finish this project before the serious stuff in life.