Ok well it is my opinion and I did mention that there are better brands out there as for what the op wants, is something suitable for the job. The fittings are all made from the same space industry materials and are made for extreme circumstances such as race engines but each company has there slight differences.
I dont think I have the best out there my car is no where near as good as I would like it to be, but when someone asks for advice and I have the experience to back it up then of course im going to post.
I admit im new to the supra and what I have built is completley different to the supra but in the past, I have built some full working race engines from scratch with all the help from a simple manual and a vast range of tools I have at my garage. The reason I post is because most of the things I need help with are a bit more in depth than what im used to with other cars I have owned such as questions related to a syvecs etc. If I knew how to diagnose I problem through the syvecs then I would be mapping my own car, but I dont, and neither do the majority of this forum.
By the way you posted it sounded like torques fittings were well known for breaking and are nothing but problems which I assumed you have had some bad experiences with them. If one in hundred people have had a bad experience with something it dont necessarily mean its junk.