Ok people,after taking the supe out this afternoon with laptop and friend I discovered the calibration run may not have been done correctly - the "monitor" part of grahams application was picking up wheels speeds etc...but nothing was registering on "cut level" (numbers where not going up or down - Termy you where correct the installer didnt do the calibration run properly!) so I did the calibration run again and the "cut levels" where then being populated with numbers Led was beating happily in time with both wheelspeeds and also with RPM - all well so far ! - I thought yes ! we've sorted it !
Well now when I drive on wet setting (in the dry) the car seems to cut out at 2.5k revs (same kinda feeling as you hit the rev limiter) as I progress down the rotary switch(10,20% etc) it still does the cut out but at at higher revs - on the lowest setting I just about hit 2nd turbo and the engine cuts at 5.5k - if I switch the RL unit off all is well and the car drives fine.
I dont think the RL unit was configured correctly since I've had it installed but now I have configured it,it seems to have gone from not doing a lot to being overly keen ! anyone know what this could be? Anyone had similiar problems?