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  1. Im hooking up with big roy in Redhill then will come & meet you en route if you want - pm us your moby again dude I think I lost it DOH ! Thing is we are at different side of boxhill
  2. Yep Im still coming with my mate Matt, cant wait - will probably join at boxhill - I have dinner at GF's parents on sunday evening so not sure if I can run 'till the end though
  3. Cheers for your help mate - thats what I tought -
  4. not sure dude there are decent ones available from http://www.whifbitz.co.uk for about £330 and are supposed to be a quality fit
  5. I understand the toyota standard skirts & spats are bolt on jobbies anyone got a fitting guide or share some experiences when they fitted theres ? Body shops wanting between £150 - £300 ! - would rather do them myself !
  6. Big thanks guys problem now sorted - there were 2 things wrong with the set-up which were stopping RLTC from working properly. 1_ The calibration run done a month ago seems not to have configured the RL unit properly,before I did anything on sunday afternoon I used the monitor function(as suggested by termy) to see if cut levels where being achieved - Cut levels where not being registered even on wet setting giving full throttle on a bend - but the speeds where being picked up in the monitor section (not sure why?) - calibration run was done again and cut levels where being registered.This said - strangley the RL unt did seem to work for the past month with the standard file in. 2_ Before doing the calibration run on sunday I must have hit "receive" to see what the driven/ref where as I remember getting my mate to memorise these,then I did the calibration run and saw cut levels where being registered dramatically but also encountered problems as listed previously on this thread,what didnt I do ? I DIDNT RESEND THE DAT TO THE UNIT AGAIN WITH THE REF/DRIVEN CHECKBOXES TICKED ! ! ! Yesterday I did remember hitting receive to get the ref/driven wheels but this was obviously prior to the calibration run on sunday and I never repeated the exercise ! Top marks to Doughie and Termy for the remote diagnostics - Iam truly impressed,also Barnstormer - I really appreciate your feedback too. Now that I have RLTC fully working I am amazed - before when it was working I thought yes - great safety device seems to help a great deal on wet setting- now its more than that - it seems to help put the power down,makes an ok driver look great and a great driver drive like a pro - when I corner now on dry setting its like you can point the car and down the throttle and it does the rest - I could even give it to my mum to drive now ! lol.Only if you have RLTC will you know how it really transfers the characteristics of the car After 5 weeks of owning the car+RLTC it seems like I have just stepped into a car which is set-up totally differently.Bring on the rain ! cant wait now.Im just scared of how much more petrol im going to waste :flame Dev
  7. I think you should swap them for my nice AVS wheels
  8. Sorry Doughie dude - so it is ! DOH Well when I did hit receive it had them fields populated but I will do what you say tonight and see what it does . TBH i now cannot remember whether it had the fields populated after of before I did the calibration run (cant remmember when I hit receive to get the details) - so if was before then I would have needed to resend the wheel allocations after the calibration run along with termies dat - i know I resent the dat but dont remember if I had checked the boxes aswell in which case it all ties in with your theory. I will have a play with it tonight thanks again dude your a gem:hug:
  9. cheers term - thats great advice - I will try this tonight and post up results tommorow.
  10. Dude you can put the alarm in valet mode by pressing the "star" and "headlight" button together - the indicators should flash and the clifford led will remain on constanty to confirm
  11. 4th is fine for me people - look 4ward 2it
  12. cheers dude - the settings in the unit mirror the ones which phil has sent me,the channels are the same as you - coincidence maybe - but when I hit "receive" it brings these as ref/driven,I will check the wheels next I think - just waiting for termy to come up with any more ideas
  13. ok I got confused about the 27th or was probably being swamped with more shit on my desk while reading the post - so the 27th is ok then ? cool - but the 4th - is this an alternative to the 27th or is it as well as? if its aswell as then I could do both one or none but will go with the majority of none,both or only one of the 2 choices:stupid:
  14. er.... so theres only 3 people on the gumball on Saturday ? any point in running it ?
  15. Barnstormer - cheers matey - mine does have the same ticks in the same boxes as you,only difference is I havent yet jacked up the wheels and spun them to confirm which are ref/driven.Is this the next thing to do ? I presume this part is ok though
  16. It goes wrong at different speeds and usually when I floor it,for example if I floor it big time on wet setting it feels like the car is hitting the rev limiter and cuts power completely If I do this then it doesnt hit hard cut - only when I floor it Its pretty muvh a total cut not allowing me to go anyfaster and the car car totally feels like it has hit the rev limiter - nothing subtle at all. If i use the rotary switch on the RL unit and put it on a lower setting the hard cut seems to kick in later on (like you would expect it to ) all in all I think the car is behaving in accordance to the what I dial into the RL unit but a bit too extreme - its like its set rev limits - yesterday was really dry and on the lowest slip setting it shouldnt have cut in but it did. Before I did the calibration run the system was not registering anything on the"cut level" in the monitoring tab - since I redid(sp) it seemed to come alive and was registering cut levels - but as I said before it seems to have gone from not doing anything to just being overkeen and crazy ! Helllllpppp! edit BTW - Doughie your a star for helping with the diagnostics cheers ! :flame Dev
  17. NO it doesnt - I just posted that pic up for reference purposes. So if thats not it do you think its something to do with the install or a shafted unit ? what else can I check ? I emailed termy the .dat file - Im hoping he will also be along shortly to give me some pointers.
  18. it does pick up on the wheelspeed sensor tabs - the dat details I have posted are blank but once I hit "receive" it populates them like the image below
  19. No it seems road speed related dude,also doesnt seem as harsh to cut in when I am on 10,15% than when on wet setting etc.... so it seems to be doing something but too much ? heres the rest of the screen dumps - cheers dude your a star !
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