Big thanks guys problem now sorted - there were 2 things wrong with the set-up which were stopping RLTC from working properly.
1_ The calibration run done a month ago seems not to have configured the RL unit properly,before I did anything on sunday afternoon I used the monitor function(as suggested by termy) to see if cut levels where being achieved - Cut levels where not being registered even on wet setting giving full throttle on a bend - but the speeds where being picked up in the monitor section (not sure why?) - calibration run was done again and cut levels where being registered.This said - strangley the RL unt did seem to work for the past month with the standard file in.
2_ Before doing the calibration run on sunday I must have hit "receive" to see what the driven/ref where as I remember getting my mate to memorise these,then I did the calibration run and saw cut levels where being registered dramatically but also encountered problems as listed previously on this thread,what didnt I do ? I DIDNT RESEND THE DAT TO THE UNIT AGAIN WITH THE REF/DRIVEN CHECKBOXES TICKED ! ! !
Yesterday I did remember hitting receive to get the ref/driven wheels but this was obviously prior to the calibration run on sunday and I never repeated the exercise !
Top marks to Doughie and Termy for the remote diagnostics - Iam truly impressed,also Barnstormer - I really appreciate your feedback too.
Now that I have RLTC fully working I am amazed - before when it was working I thought yes - great safety device seems to help a great deal on wet setting- now its more than that - it seems to help put the power down,makes an ok driver look great and a great driver drive like a pro - when I corner now on dry setting its like you can point the car and down the throttle and it does the rest - I could even give it to my mum to drive now ! lol.Only if you have RLTC will you know how it really transfers the characteristics of the car
After 5 weeks of owning the car+RLTC it seems like I have just stepped into a car which is set-up totally differently.Bring on the rain ! cant wait now.Im just scared of how much more petrol im going to waste :flame Dev