- balljoint/steering joint dust covers will now fail if split/damaged
- inner cv boot now a failure if split damaged insecure.
- driveshaft support bearings to be checked
- dashboard warning lights (tyre pressure, abs, traction/esp/whatever its called on your car, seat belt, air bag, brake w/light, elec steering etc) but not engine warning light.
- drivers seat must adjust and secure into new position
- can fail for airbag(s) missing, insecure, activated .....and also same for seatbelt pre-tensioners.
- rear doors must now open from the outside (currently on from inside tested)
- reverse camera if fitted is treated like a mirror (view not obsecured, secure, etc etc)
- wiring harness to be checked, fail for bare wires, chaffing on body etc
- battery is now a test item and can fail if insecure. (common myth if that it was a fail before, it is now come 1st jan 12)
- inappropiate modifications to steering, suspension and brakes. (inappropiate defined as significately modified from the original specification)
- brake performance to raise from 50%, but thats delayed until 2013.
- LPG systems, if leak smelt then can test for leak using a spray
- Towbar 13pin plug to be tested. old 7 pin plugs can still fail for damage, insecure, wiring.
- CAT must be fitted, if in original vehicle spec, 1992 ish onwards.
- you can now fail on brake pipe, steering pipe and fuel pipe corrosion i think. before it was pass n advise.
- HID headlights must have either self leveling or headlamp washers, aswell as meeting the rest of the lighting critera.