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Everything posted by ashbuster
nice one bud ill need a new one for ontop of the decat pipe wouldnt i ? a quick ring to karpartz should sort that
does a restrictor ring work as a gasket? or would i need a gasket on both sides of this restrictor ring? i want to get things ready
yeah, its getting there slowly
yeah not to everyones taste, i wanted a trial rear but so many of them around now the lights are the same as when i bought the car and i will be changing them for facelift lights eventually, same with the front ones too
hi guys just wanted to show a little update of the car, this is from a few weeks back tho i was going to wait untill it was finished but i just wanted to post a little update the kit might not be to everyones taste but i will have the do-luck front bumper to go on and then it needs the bodyshop to sort the rear out where the indicators were and the filler to cover the damage i found on the rear/side from to still alot to do but i think it looks alot better already and that front will be coming off for a do-luck but these photos were from a few weeks back not the best of pictures but ill get a better update soon i also want to ad a big thankyou i bought the kit from dan on here supradan24 he gave me the bonnet for free because of the hassle i had with the car and i would just like to say thanks bud great help also i want to say thanks to rsand85 he gave me a brand new bomex front because my one was hanging off really badly and was dangerous and he also let me have a crash bar and headlight bar, also a big thankyou to dunk who sorted me a stock spoiler and fitted really cheap in perfect condition and a aerial and also spent a few hours with me and mopped the rear of the car and also removed all the horrible sticky fragile stickers, he also had my car on the ramps to check underneath a big thanks to these guys here and everyone on the forum, anytime ive had a question to ask ive always had an answer, no matter how stupid the question
yeah mate the price you can pick them up for now is crazy for a car that looks so nice stock
i have to strip my dash tomorrow to get the scans of the cluster sent off to someone so i will have a look at mine but im sure i seen something there too bud n/a's are not that bad are they?
this is not the only way to delimit them is it? isnt there something behind the dash or where the speedo goes? delimiter and mph converter? i would like to know more if anyone knows because that means mine might not be
yeah same company by the looks of it i didnt have time to scan today or remove my cluster so ill get my scans sent to them tomorrow thats for people in need of facelift auto tt dials
lol do you know if it was delimited? could ask previous owner to make sure
its been stopped for abit bud http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?238740-Feedbacks-disappeared
bump for the people finishing work
the bonnet that had the most damage was wraped in layers of thick bubble wrap and normal bubblewrap with cardboard protecting the edges they must have really banged it about hard to do the damage they did on the corners the corners had thick cardboard over thick bubblewrap and more bubblewrap again and everything else was pritty much wrapped the same
paisley freight are no better the wings i bought from dan were banged and paints all cracked and lifted the bonnet i sent out was banged hard and chipped the paint and also dented a few times the veilside spoiler i sent out was cracked the bonnet dan sent me was banged on the corner and is bent do-luck spoiler was banged on the floor and the end is now wobbly my misses seen the driver bang the spoiler down on the floor on its end herself she also seen him bang the wings on the door getting them off the van its the courier that did all of this damage as i seen photos of what i was buying and i sent photos of what other were having from me which were all taken before wrapping i didnt bother claiming but i told the person who had the bonnet from me to and all they said was they will refund delivery doesnt make up for what they did and will cost alot more than that to repair
ive read a few posts that they were given a nice price form cci ill be trying them myself when mine is due ive been told to go direct to company's for a better quote because some companies are not on the comparison sites and they give better prices
ahh i see i carnt understand why its going so cheap i know its an auto but its a bpu twinturbo and all of that work has been put into it
theres a few supras with a celica front about bud wont be going as cheap as that tho lol this ones nice http://www.modified.com/events/modp-0909-2009-exciting-car-showdown/photo_08.html http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-nightly&hs=Kqe&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&biw=1366&bih=674&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=uJe5uXdONRxCfM:&imgrefurl=http://forum.jdmstyletuning.com/showthread.php%3F17004-body-conversions-weird-and-common/page2&docid=k5RuNZscjgXpuM&imgurl=http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6421/59766840.jpg&w=800&h=531&ei=PO9ZT4CfEuTF0QWqjI3jDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=191&vpy=261&dur=89&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=181&ty=103&sig=117206874375279728434&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=218&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0 alot of work but looks good
hey guys when i come to install the blitz i color there is a metal t-piece that needs to be tapped into the boost gauge line. this is joined to a nylon pipe that runs to the controller and joins onto the back by a connector onto the short pipe on the back of the controller. hard to explain but if you have seen a blitz boost controller you will understand. the nylon pipe and connector and t-piece is missing, i think not many people use them and they link it another way and thats why these bits get lost. its not a problem because most of these controllers i have seen are sold without these so the must be a better way to join it without these would i be ok to run a 3mm silicone hose (vac hose) to this pipe on t he back of the controller and slide that nylon pipe inside it the nylon pipe is tiny but fits snug inside i was wondering if i would have a leak and if there was much vacuum here im sure alot of people have fitted these and had these bits missing i think they get installed without them any ideas? could i do what i said
sorry didnt know that was classed as swearing
so many in this world why do people like robbing others, if they carnt afford to do something then its tough should go without. people work hard for what they have and idiots like that get a kick out of using someones money. someone cleaned my bank out a while back, i managed to get the money back through the bank but its the hassle of waiting and going without
is it possible for you to do some sort of leather look bud? just wondering if that will be available at some point
ill txt you bud
i havent touched it yet bud i jacked it up on my drive which was abit dodgey i put it on axel stands and had alook the bolts that go on the side of the cat to that sensor 8mm or 9mm? look rusty, ive gave them a spray with wd40 there not the worst ive seen but i remember someone telling me before if i brake a stud it will be a pain in the ass so i left it i have no idea what the studs are like couldnt get a good look normally if i come to a nut that wont come off i grind it off and i wouldnt be able to do it here so i dont want to risk it and make it worse