Ever done a DiSC test? https://www.discprofile.com/what-is-disc/disc-styles
They're really interesting and highlights why everybody is different. It really helped me to realise that some people I've worked with in the past aren't trying to be assholes (from my perspective), they're just made that way.
I think for Jag you'd go with the standard cat rather than a picture of an oily Brummie with a spanner in his hand.
The ovals concept doesn't really lend itself to anything obvious - which means it's wide open to interpretation.
For anyone that didn't realise:
How exciting.
Toyota as a brand has never really embraced the concept of nurturing classics (recent half assed attempt of parts aside), I wonder if that's a cultural thing? They seem proud of their heritage, but equally keen to move on and embrace the future?