sod the advanced driving course go on one of those track days where the instructor sits with ya in your car and teaches ya
as for top gear, don't think they'd be interested in a Supra going round their track. Clarky-Dodgy jeans didn't have a fantastically high opinion of the Soop when he reviewed it.. he'd rather blah on about some 3 squillion quid Merc / BM. True to say you could stick a Skyline, 300zx, Cobra etc etc on the track to woop ass but they ain't gonna coz they just ain't interested...which is good coz it doesn't encourage everyone to go out and buy them
I haven't ever seen my car mentioned on that program, most I've heard from the is when they were talking about the Rx8.. they said "It's good, just was a bit daft" hehe.. then again he's wasted 100 odd grand on his Merc.. that's daft