I cant see them having guest presenters... that would be just pants. If Clarkson does get shown the door, I think May will join him or drop out of it. Top Gear has been mental for the last ten years, as discussed, way beyond a normal car show, once they started the races, which were excellent, they kept having to think of new expensive places to trudge 200 odd strong crews to for filming, they are literally running out of unique places to visit to keep this up (as evidenced last season) - running out of actually funny scenarios, which now are just automatically made up which I find more annoying (like the Argentina film with the dangerous bridge to a dead end.....). I reckon they are using it as a way out to prevent a declining show.. cost them a lot less than they have Clarkson contracted to, They may keep Hammond (as I don't think he wants to go back to radio) so I don't think his loyalty will last out. And freshen up with new presenters - Suzie Perry would fit the bill, likes motoring - F1 and was gadget show until she was replaced by a younger version. Honestly time to bring it back to a slick fifth gear rival show. it was good but it cant be sustained.