Say for simplicity I'm looking at paying £600 just to properly remove, ship, paint and stencil my OEM callipers. (£400 for the job if posted but have to pay someone to remove and then refit - which is difficult to arrange as BrakeSpecialist wants 7-10day turnaround, this is getting annoyingly expensive just to arrange and no garage wants a dud car sat for 2weeks)
So anyway -
For that sort of cash, what big brake calipers are available to swap out the OEM ones? Keeping OEM discs . I can only find whole kits
I'm happy to paint the OEM and I appreciate they are very good brakes. Just aesthetically i wish OEM were larger as I think calipers look better when they bear half moon shape.
Any thoughts?
(Sorry haven't searched too hard as there are many posts but buried deep into build threads)
Looked at PartBox/Whiffers/DemonTs/Titan
Found Wilwood
I know this answer is stick to OEM