My dad currently has one. He’s owned it for a number of years. In 3 months he had an issue, it’s a common fault I know there’s two of them one on each side of the engine maybe the actuators. It cost like £1000 for one but when this was replaced the bloke also changed something else that’s cost £350/£450 the car was fixed but soon after the other one went so that was another £1000 so he spent like £2,500 ish in 6 months. Check these have been fixed if you are looking at one, other than that he got the clutch changed, after this it’s been perfect. I think the cars done around 75,000 miles but it’s probably one of the best specs it has heated ventilated seats and the bolsters move when turning, heads up display, suade roof so on but not all of them have this.
Regardless of the faults my dad loves the car, stuff like that doesn’t bother him he gets it fixed and enjoys himself. Every car has its common faults some are more realiable than others, It’s a fun car to drive more fun than a C6 or C7 Audi RS6, it sounds amazing as well and if you like a subtle looking car it’s ideal although I think the front looks plain a front splitter would definitely make it look smarter.
My dad bought and sold cars and he would say that Bmw do have more electrical faults, more than merc who are close behind but Audi are more reliable overall but the drive is bland compared to Merc and Bmw.