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Everything posted by bl4stin

  1. nope , ive never seen or met him in my life , thankfully lol
  2. lol i bet you never even read all what i said !!
  3. lol you dont even read . you go keep painting pictures in your head , and i will just ask questions about the car i wanna get , , thanks , when you read carefully all what i said then you should reply
  4. i can see there the TT aero being heavier , probably due to the extra strengthening the chassis would have needed to to support it when the roof was off
  5. nice , thanks mate , thats the kindof answer i should of had , so thanks
  6. Lol , ok well i can see why nobody respects you , as you sound quite the gimp , so lets go back to the beggining of thread , bareing in mind you never had to answer my much needed question , ok i posted and everyone has the right to answer but i never asked you to bother answering , and you still couldnt even answer when you posted what you said !!! i asked if my friend was right in what he was saying as i most of the time i trust his opinion , so i wanted to run it past the supra experts . i knew he wasnt right about the supra auto being rubbish as i had already heard from you guys that it was excellent, so i knew that. what i wanted you guys to tell me if you knew , was if there was anythin else differant other than auto and the manual gearbox , i.e any suspension differances any internal engine differances and is there a big differance in the KG and stuff like that . if there was anythin else differant then id of liked the answer to be , e.g " yes there is that differant and this is better and also this is differant aswell " if there wasnt any differances other than the gearbox , id of liked the reply to be " nope or no differance THATS IT !! Except all i got was a bunch whohar and sarcasm , which is unwarrented as i was only running something past you guys , stupid as it might of sounded , i still only wanted an answer to my questions. Oh and just for the record i havent seen the fast and the furious , though i suppose you have , however i know one of the cars is an orange supra so ive been told . again thanks to the people who replied with intelligence i know there was only a few unfortunatly , but at least in the end i got the answer i was after , so thanks
  7. Thanks mate - yeah i can tell your not being sarcastic and nasty , cos when i read i read as if someone was speaking to me in person . im glad i can report that there is no differance other than manual and auto , , and my friend doesnt know about the supra much and nor do i much yet , however he is a car mechanic , but i must admit i thought the same about the supra,s autobox when it was first suggested to get a supra auto , ithought " no im not gettin an auto as the fun is taken away " i thought that , but since you lot have all said what a fine autobox it is and what it can do then im more than happy to buy an auto supra , my friend was i think was tarin all auto,s with the same brush and has clearly made a mistake as would most who havent tried the auto supra , my friend loves mitsubishi evo,s more than anythin so is quite biased towards them i think lol. Also he does know his stuff thats why i wanted to put what he said before the supra faithfull and experts , to clear this dispute up as usually what he says tends to be right after i do a follow up and check it out , just clearly he is wrong in this instance . thanks to those who replied without the sarkmalark and actually gave an answer . to those who didnt well i cant really say what i wanna say , as i,ll be banned so i leave it at that ........ just a few things ... what does TLDR mean what does OP mean ? and why are you saying " i hope he doesnt get one " what the hell is that supposed to mean ?? why would anyone say that ?? its just like me sayin " i hope you dont get another supra !!!!!
  8. thats unfortunatly not answering my question , thats sarcasm for you it doesnt answer questions !!! so i will ask again if any one is kind enough to answer , is there any differance between ( apart from the gearbox ) between an automatic supra and manual supra ? i.e engine setup or suspension setup and exhaust rumble etc ?
  9. is everythin other than gearbox the same between the auto supra and manual supra ??
  10. sorry guys , just had to pay for me subscrippy , but dont woory im back , yeah my friend is still sayin that the automatics are crap , and they will be totally differant to the manual , like even the suspension will be setup differant and the way it handles and the engine will be differantly set and you wont get that rumble and spit of flame if you have an straight through exhaust , and pretty much everyone will laugh at you for pickin such a good car and optin for the auto version . if anyone wants too add us on the xbox live you can join the argument and help me as he,s speakin to me now on the party chat and he wont believe me , my gamertagis GSX R600 RAIDER
  11. sarcasm alert again !!!!! , my friend on the xbox does know his stuff to be fair and i do trust his points , thats why i wanna put this o the supra experts , my friend is not a supra expert , nor am i yet , is the auto supra heavier or way heavier do you know ??
  12. hi again i was arguing with my friend on xbox live about the the supra automatic , he was sayin DONT BE GETTIN AN AUTOMATIC i was sayin dont worry mate ive heard the gearbox (auto) is not like a typical autobox and it will suprise you , as some of the guys was on the forum tellin me , and he said no way there anywhere near as good as the manual and there also well heavier the automatic supras !!! is he right or wrong and ?? and is the supra auto way heavier and if so how much more , p.s gamer tag for me on the xbox live is GSX R600 RAIDER if any one wants to add us
  13. whatthe hell are you on about " lose the attitude" i havent even said anythin !!!!!!! , does the restricter ring hard to fit ??
  14. still hasnt answered what i wanna know , as ive just come off that thread !!
  15. Hi again , just wanted to ask a few more stuff as im looking into gettin an auto supra TT and its about the exhaust system , i was reading on here , on the bpu thread , if you have the 2 cats removed and a straight through exhaust system is put in place inc 2 de-cats , this automaticly without even physicaly touching anything else raises the boost presure to 1.6 bar ??? if this is true then it also says the j-spec turbo,s cant cope with that due to the wastegate not being big enough , well to combat that would it be viable to put the uk wastegate put in to make it able to cope as ive heard this is big enough to deal with the extra boost ??
  16. 4 of them were not racing they were just 'excellent' riders, in the near 30 years I have been driving I have seen many friends all of of whom were 'excellent' drivers die but you seem too arogant to want to listen or learn so you take it easy on that bike and maybe just maybe we can have this conversation in 5 years. Lol im not arragont im just confident lol
  17. no mate , like i said group 19 insurance is a good guard against the chav !!
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