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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by bl4stin

  1. i ask for the 0-60 , because on the autotrader , performance and economy section for the supra mk4 it has it down as 5.6 , but i thought it was more towards 4.9 to 5.0 seconds .. hmmm
  2. looks like i wont be askin my mates again !!!
  3. alright guys , could anyone tell me what the liftback supra means , ive been seeing some ads on the autotrader and its been sayin lift back , what is this refering to ?? also what is the 0-60 time of the supratwin turbo automatic ??
  4. always race set up lol , however for the street just a sport set up lol , nah but seriously id like if i had the bilstein setup as i had with my MR2 . i dont wanna take a step back lol , but if i came to get a car and it had loads of cool stuff on it and good healthy engine and millage low etc and it had just toyota suspension id still buy it , just id prefare the bilstein
  5. dam , was hopin there would have been still good suspension !!
  6. whats the EPC ? and if there was no bilstein on them , what suspension was there if the owners never got bilstein ??
  7. as the guy said im an excellent driver , its why i asked for the differance lol , so i take it the TT has the better bilstein suspension and the N/A has just ordinary suspension ??
  8. thanks mate , reason i ask is the mr2 jdm turbo has bilstein as standard where as the uk mr2 n/a doesnt , so was just checkin . thanks
  9. was on the way to work this morning , was about 06:30 on the chester high road on the wirral , and i decided to go on my gixxer came to the roundabout to go on to the chester high road in heswall , and waiting to join the road was a beautifull looking supra N reg in black with big silver alloys , looked about 18 inch amazing blue xenon front lights standard spoiler , tinted black back window , it looked fantastic , it really did , i never let cars overtake me , but i slowed purposefully so i could admire , it was phoenominal when i let it go past me , big exhaust at the back , dont think it was de-cated as wasnt deadly loud but nicely loud . got me thinkin now whether i should get a turbo , as i want one now as soon as poss , i may just get a manual n/a 5 spd , if i was to get a turbo it would be an auto. i noticed on the back of this supra i seen this morning it had 2 black square plastic things at each side of the reg plate , any one know what this is and what its there for ??. and also is the suspension on the supra n/a the same as a supra turbo suspension ??. thanks
  10. i think it looks better with the stock spoiler , both look good but the stock one is better , and if you have the stock one on the car , then thats one less chance of a gimp in a vauxhall trying to aquire one for his piece of monkey crap !!!!!
  11. ive sold my mr2 last monday. so LMAO at you LMAO !!!!!
  12. lol i had a race with an vauxhall astra SRI 2.0 turbo and it had what appeared to be a supra spoiler , i didnt realise at the time however seeing this thread ive now cottoned on lol , yeah i was at the lights and i was on my new GSXR 600 and i didnt even think he would of even wanted to start , i wasnt even prepared for a vauxhall lol i even had my engine map on B mode which is numbdown mode and he folowed me around for about 20 mins just trying to race me and he was keepinup aswell lol untill i got a nice bit of straightline and hammered it in second by then he was a spec in my mirror lol , vauxhall owners sure do make you laugh with there sheer bull !!!!!
  13. lol i know , what do you all think of that spoiler ???
  14. im glad you liked it , but you said the failside supra , is the veilside supra bad ? also , will the TT supra make a nice sound if you go atmospheric or get a hks bov ??
  15. do mean the one on the vid ,?? ive seen this vid a few times and i wasnt to keen on the sound but now its kind of growen on me and id kind of like that noise lol
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1J-eiCsWR4 here is the link sorry i forgot to post in my last post
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1J-eiCsWR4 here is the link sorry i forgot to post it in my last post
  18. what kind of stupid noise is it ? what is it similar to ? i take it its not like a induction roar .. on this link you can see the supra racing and when he changes gear a nice noise occurs just wait for the cockpit view of the supra and you will hear it , does anyone know what this is or what blowoff valve he is using ???
  19. Thanks mate , yeah i,ll be getting the j-spec and i,ll probably make them run atmospheric to get the nice noise . can you hear the nice whooooosh when you make them run atmospheric on the j-spec ? , you could hear it quite loud in the mr2 lol
  20. 2 excellent replies and a big thankyou for anwering in much detail . but if i may just add to this please , in the mr2 i recently sold , i had left in stock air filter setup for this reason , the engine bay being too hot and an induction kit would have induced this hot air , just i thought it might have been diffrent if you had a special headlight and an induction kit with an cold air feed to the headlight thats all , so anyway to my next couple of quezzies , 1. would it be benefitial to run a TRD panel airfilter as the stock setup is in place just with an TRD panel filter ?? 2. i was running my MR2's blow off valve atmospheric so every time i lifted off the gas i had a nice sounding whooooosh , is this possible to do with the TT setup without it harming anything , as with my old mr2 it never did anything just the 93 model it made the car run rich , will i have this problem if i make the blowoff valves atmospheric ??
  21. hi again - before i start i would like to ask if you could answer my questions if you know the answer to my questions - i dont want what happend last time with people just ruining the thread with the sarcasm and stupid jibes and remarks which had my last thread forcibly locked - thanks . i would like to ask as i know the stock filter is what you guys say is the best option , but id like to run this past you now as ive recently seen on a supra the front drivers side headlight had a big hole in it , it looked like a after market headlight with this hole speacially desighned for air to be rushed into the airfilter area , was wondering if an induction kit would be better if you had this type of headlight or would the stock induction still be the better option ? also do you lose power if you have an induction kit or just not gain anythin ?? as i would sure love to have the induction roar as it sounds amazing , however if its going to be damaging to the engine i wont bother . also is there such thing as to much air being put through the filter is bad for the engine ?
  22. bl4stin


    Who was the target ??
  23. alright mate , i believe anything before 95 on imports is allowed without the cats in place , , however on an N/A it will be very tough to pass without the cats , turbos tend to have better emissions and should be even better with a EGR valve i think they have , or is that only uk spec ?? im not sure . but de-catting a car is one of the best cheapest mod you can do and defo makes a differance that you will notice , you notice your RPM go up a lot shaper and more responsive and you will feel that little bit more power released . ive always de-catted mycars , ive had 3 mr2 2 n/a and 1 turbo all where de-catted , i still passed my turbo through its m.o.t emissions even with the de-cat in place , but with n/a is next to impossible , anyhow you could always just keep your original exhaust in place and fit a de-cat and you will still notice the power and responsive feel , and will be not much louder than with the cats in place ,if you get a whole new exhaust system S/S and decat the lot , it will be very loud , and can set car alarms and house alarms off lol , but even so i love loud exhausts ,they sound fantastic !!
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