Hi all, little post regarding my loss last week!
Late post but, better than never, I am just making people aware that my bike was stolen early hours of the 15/12/11.
It was a Suzuki RM 125, 2007 model. I will post pics.
Noticeable things were;
Blue samco hoses
Red fuel cap
Excel wheels, with near new dunlop tyres
Custom DC "shoe bike" graphics (DC shoe commercial featuring Pastrana)
Black seat cover
and the kit was stolen too, pictured.
Also a huge lot of fishing tackle was also stolen, a collection of way over 20 years which my dad had over the years built up, including rods worth over £300 each!
Were all devastated, especially just before Christmas. I am just hoping for those that do take part in fishing/ motocross, to be aware and if the bike is seen for sale, or any fishing tackle if offered cheap, to get in touch please!! pics.
this is what I was working towards
Thanks all for taking the time to read. Jamie.
Ps sorry if this is the wrong section, please do not delete, move if need be as I really would like this message to go out for everyone to see.