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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Soopra

  1. Bringing a friend from work tomorrow... hoping someone with a big power Supe can take her out for a spin
  2. couldn't possibly comment but they're not 2JZ powered
  3. probably haven't fixed it after the last time!!
  4. gutted didn't go to the 21st Anniversary meet so I could afford to go to this
  5. Can you invite the Honda Jazz owners please so that those of us with N/As and Abz have someone to beat
  6. seeing as i'll beat Abz i'll take one member drag and one non member entry please
  7. will I get laughed at if I drag my N/A? I've always wanted to have a go, never done it before... so 16 seconds here I come
  8. the Bimmer Boys can sit in the naughty corner
  9. Not sure if I'll make the meet but I'm definitely up for two of each mug
  10. We need these mugs available to buy as normal club merchandise
  11. 1. KamaSupra 2. Soopra +1 (and 2 more reprobates in BMW's) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  12. you can buy me some coilovers
  13. Soopra

    Fuel consumption

    If you're worried about fuel economy buy a Micra - a Supra is not for you!! My N/A (second decat, Motoria cat back) does around 18 - 21mpg depending on how heavy my right foot is and how much I'm enjoying listening to the sound of the car...
  14. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?304408-EPIC-Basingstoke-Meet-Picture-Thread-2014&p=3911875#post3911875
  15. Thanks Dave for another great meet, looking forward to the next one already
  16. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10446007_10152618617473928_7952299174383661115_n.jpg?oh=8c2e7d7d49510e5b44e450931b34d274&oe=5441FF89&__gda__=1414127340_f8c2f8c88463722e386ea4bbc04e74fb https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10462602_10152618617478928_7682472709464012494_n.jpg?oh=6e84ae5ddb1c2ad06d7476997966e8c1&oe=544F8779] https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10440988_10152618617578928_4925350606043225814_n.jpg https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10410534_10152618617583928_9148435350471598304_n.jpg giant finger... it could be you... https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10408043_10152618617618928_297753052950642227_n.jpg?oh=208b26ba5d36e9efd6a151ee203d97c1&oe=544EA400 this Mazda joined the convoy... then promptly spat its coolant all over the pub carpark https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10553355_10152618617798928_3822643545026877520_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10394645_10152618617888928_1327343749196119246_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10353004_10152618617918928_2692152732890732308_n.jpg?oh=3975cd8fec1190cd4767c80f95a4e9a6&oe=543E036E&__gda__=1413133841_94c8f0385c6d6e1005d5315df91bcf30 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10305960_10152618617963928_4086081502746225946_n.jpg
  17. can no one rescue a damsel in distress?
  18. I need to wait til nearer the time so I know what's going on with my mum...
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