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Everything posted by Littler

  1. Spotted Westy on his way home about 20mins ago, tried to get your attention but average speed didn't allow lol
  2. My hat is off to the workmanship that has gone into that car as like you say it's last act was to save you and it is a testament to it's build quality. Glad to see you both came out from that! I can't even imagine what it was like! I hope to see you back at the vmax events soon
  3. Hope you have a great trip chaps! Gutted I couldn't make this (albeit for good reason) each year I went it was brilliant, but for all intensive purposes I will be there next year, even if it's not in a Supra will be looking out for all the pics and vids so don't delay in putting everything up
  4. Keron helped you with your coil pack problems a few years ago, may be worth another try if your going the M1 route? On a side note I am seriously going to miss the convoy down and dragonball (I will be returning)
  5. A cast mainfold would give you great spool but there is a potential of losing some power. The idea would be to get a cast manifold that minimises the top end loss while keeping the great spool (here comes the shameless plug), I have the rare Arnout cast manifold for sale that would fit the bill for your goals http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?320903-Rare-Arnout-Cast-Manifold Now to even up my slight biased approach, you could get a gen2 precision turbo like the 6266 or 6466 (depending on your power now) which would bring the spool to a better level and makes good power.
  6. Steve - give me the nod if you want this bit tidying up on the thread. Stunning car without question, been one of my favourites for a long time!
  7. Littler


    Click the link here
  8. Littler


    Welcome, in order for you to buy/sell on the forum you are required to pay the membership fee of £10. Once done you will get access to a lot more than that you would ever think £10 could get you!
  9. Looking good Marc, the underside looks great!
  10. It sounds like your having an EP ablation, if successful you won't need a device fitting.
  11. I'll be looking out for some pics, want to see how this has progressed!
  12. Really?! When I had the car, 295's and a 10" wheel with a 35 offset were perfect (once the lips were cut). They don't need spacing dude.
  13. Looks great dude! I've missed half of your updates, very nice results... I bet thats fun to drive
  14. These came with the car when I originally bought it and I refurbished the lenses just before you bought it so they were in mint condition, but they are definitely jspecs.
  15. I'd go log, I've got an Arnout cast manifold to fit on my setup but a part of it is personal preference.
  16. I quite like the look of these skirts (quite like the whole kit to be honest), very new to the Supra market and a nice resemblance to the OEM look https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10696322_939407839420378_4534461763459035668_n.jpg?oh=e9553c1db5144176e053ed7c146bbcbb&oe=5534CD83&__gda__=1429988155_a06b3e94522c38022d815eb385e2854b
  17. Littler

    2015 Mustang RHD

    Well that's changed my view on the new stang! May have to look into that a bit more, have you got a list of who will be the UK dealerships for rtr?
  18. You've pretty much summed it up, the more I started buying parts the more I thought RS is normally quite stripped out (gt2 rs for example) where this is going to more of a step up without losing too much away from a road car Cheers dude I quite like the sound of them, particularly this one Your right it will be a restriction if I want more but it suits my goals very well.
  19. I know, couldn't believe my luck, been quietly waiting for 2 years (was ready to go a different route!) since Mr Wilson first told me about them!
  20. Cheers dude, just need to get the thing cleaned up and sent off to Zircotec
  21. Well despite me not getting another car yet I have been sourcing a few parts as I've spotted them. So I want a street able power band with low down torque, as such I was looking at cast manifolds with something along the lines of a 6266 or 6466 precision turbo (1.0 divided A/R). I looked at various ones, the treadstone, SPA and SP but then as luck would have it I've found a rare Arnout manifold: The benefits of the Arnout Cast Manifold: - Great volume and flow in a cast setup - Won't crack - 50mm wastegate port with lots of meat in the casting (meaning no boost creep) - Very rare with only 25 made - Will give a great area under the torque curve - Due to the design it will not restrict the flow/power like other cast manifolds
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