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Everything posted by cje001

  1. This will go down in history mate, you should be very proud.
  2. This is an incredible attention to detail! Unreal! Brilliant!
  3. Yeah won a little, nothing major. Haye was too cocky this time.
  4. cje001

    Tyre issue?

    Ill check the valve mate, was all fine this morning. 99% no one has let it down either. Ah well, worth an ask, see what the garage say. Just odd as i`ve had plenty of punctures before and you can usually see a nail/glass/thorn/tear etc... Thanks.
  5. cje001

    Tyre issue?

    All, Just had the lovely task of changing my wheel while picking my daughter up front school! Flat as a pancake. Checking the tyre i cannot see any sign of a puncture, no nails, glass etc. There is a plug where it has been repaired before my ownership. The tyre on the inside looked like it has fallen off the wheel, this could obviously be because i had driven a few hundred yards before hearing/feeling the issue and stopping to resolve. Apart from a puncture, are there any other things that could have gone wrong to cause this? I`ve not hit any kurbs etc recently.... May be a daft question but thought i`d ask anyway before venturing to the local tyre place tomorrow to get it checked.
  6. There is a huge divide between the private and public sector i feel. My experience of the private sector is one of: Very long hours Decent pay False promises Redundancies and cost cutting when the owners feel like it Bonus driven, then only to receive a small % when times are tough and more when the good times come Disciplined staff Low sick days/stress etc I think the public sector differs from segment to segment... Teachers - work hard, long holidays, pretty stressful jobs, underpaid.... Council workers - appear to be uninterested, lazy, loads of sick days, some overpaid..... Police - difficult job, facing real cut backs... Hospitals - very tough jobs, massively long hours, low pay for most... These are only my personal observations and not based on facts... The point is, there is a massive divide in terms of what is expected. Public expect at least an inflationary pay rise... Private - i didnt get a pay rise and i worked 60hour weeks, hit all targets etc...
  7. Simply question - do you agree? I`m torn. Simply: 1) Hate the banks and politicians ref expenses etc - they look after themselves and others have to pick up the pieces, the banks could pay the money back now (or at least some) but as far as i read they haven't yet. 2) I`m from a Private sector background and we got treated like garbage, hours, pay, bonuses cut, redundancies, false promises etc... we couldn `t strike as we weren't part of a huge union.. no one cared. 3) I run my own business now, we all are contributing the 'the recovery' i have no pension, interest rates are so low (savings make next to nothing), we are paying 20% VAT, Corporation tax etc is high, prices of all commodities is very high, fuel, tax, insurance etc... 4) I can understand their frustrations, promises keep being moved, having to contribute more/work longer... 5) In all honestly some public sector services i`ve dealt with have been appallingly badly run, the benefits dept, jobcenters, local council etc... they cant even send a letter without a hassle, so many forms to fill in etc... surely the processes should be looked into as well to save money? 6) Children being off, parents having to take time off so teachers can strike - is this the right way? Is this the only way? I dont know how far down the 'negotiating' route they are but unless they are at the end then its a no from me. Just be interested to see what the general consensus is?
  8. McLaren please. Ferrari is simply stunning though!
  9. Sorry to hear this mate, but like people have said, walking away is the main thing... BUT From what i can gather this could have been a whole lot worse as well for the car i mean, you could have hit something, or flipped etc. I flipped my first car and that was awful. Hope it`s fixable anyway mate.
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2007528/Lost-tribe-200-Amazon-spotted-satellite.html
  11. Didnt think it would be this much! Think i`ll leave as is and eek the power out of the twins!
  12. cje001

    Heya :)

    Welcome, post up some pics. You will never regret buying a Supra.
  13. Seriously tho, enjoy mate, i`m on my 2nd Supra after a gap of 4years and i`m LOVING every minute of it! Bought it for keeps, i`ll never sell it unless i`m desperate for the cash i..e homelessness beckons!
  14. Oh i am Nothing beats a Supra hahaha
  15. Try Parcelforce 48large.... may need someone who has a contract with them to move it for you... prob too big for normal couriers. http://www.Parcels2go.co.uk is also good.
  16. Im sure there are three, but mine only had two on!
  17. Im finding this brilliant!!! Poor bloke! Whoever put that s wheel on want to have a word with themselves in a darkened room!
  18. I see this point but somethings aren't available in carbon fibre and these can be done in wrap.... like these and they look a lot better than the original IMO
  19. "As a consequence of Mr Warner's resignation, all ethics committee procedures against him have been closed and the presumption of innocence is maintained," This is a total disgrace. If i were the FA i`d tell FIFA to (insert swear word) off!
  20. I have to agree, no excuse for drink driving for 1 and to make it twice as bad is to drink drive and then drive like a fool. The chap who got in the car with him was daft for getting in but IMO he murdered this guy and only has himself to blame for losing his own life. Feel for their families as the above is how both sets will feel as well.
  21. Lovely mate - you should be proud.
  22. hahaha yeah! Especially people who fly up behind you when i`ve got my daughter in the car, really gets on my nerves!
  23. I drive around and you see some unreal stuff. 1) Old people - yes they are lovely etc but they cant drive, they are a danger and some of the things i`ve seen them do is simply unreal.... 2) BMW drivers - with their 'M' badges on 330ds! Think they own the road... 3) People taking risks, undertaking, overtaking, pulling out in front of things....
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