Robert Fitzpatrick, a retired transportation agency worker in New York, said he had spent more than $140,000 (£86,000) of his savings on advertisements in the run-up to 21 May to publicise the prediction.
"I had some scepticism but I was trying to push the scepticism away because I believe in God," said Keith Bauer, who travelled 4,830km (3,000 miles), from Maryland to California, where Mr Camping's Family Radio is based, for the Rapture.
Serious question..... are people crazy??? Its one thing to believe this, which is totally nuts IMO but to spend £86k on it?!?!
Has the world gone mental?
Religion is usually at the cause of everything that is really bad in this world!
I know the above is a sweeping statement but someone tell me otherwise?
- World Wars
- Well, all wars pretty much
- Terrorism
I mean look at Celtic - Rangers for one, mental!
Religion divides our world and on the back of that crazy things happen in which people are killed.
Yes drugs, crime, disease, famine etc are bad but this is a society problem, this is due to human cravings for other things to experience emotions and 'highs' or due to lack of natural resources, climate or simple evolution of that countries infrastructure...etc.
Religion vs Science.... there really is only one winner for me, crazy, crazy world.