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Supra Articles
Everything posted by lpher
I thought it weird that the supra came in a colour i hadnt seen before yes Yepp Shure isnt...Norway has 3 Supras in the 1A1 colour...of wich 1 is repainted RSP...plashemy! Join the club...im conisdering a full respray next year.... My car came with a Toyota touch-up stick with this colour Beats me
You got me a little confused now What colourcode is yours then?
JDM-colour? Isnt it Anthracite (1A1) then? Same as my LHD eurospec
Nice car mate ...and with the right colour too! LOL
Bingo I get this problem too...when i use "the wrong type" of dash-cleaner
Iiiik! For real?!! That IS a damn shame!
Nope...not an option And if im not mistaken...the lack of electrical adjustments on the passenger side is mentioned in the "weight saving" part of the original "for-Toyota-sales-personell-only" product info book http://www.mkiv.com/specifications/product_Information_book_93/product_info.htm My LHD eurospec definately has got electrical adjustments..so thats a big yes Not shure.... I dont see why not
1994 LHD Eurospec...have all the foam-bits (or HAD i should say...as the boots full of stereo-related stuff now )...and no changer
Thats a German mkIV...cause of the licenceplaceholder And...all Euro-specs got the scoop...both UK AND mainland europe
Yepp...but IMHO the german-spec one is MUCH nicer ...but it must be painted the same coclour as the car....as it will actually look like a part of the bumber...and not just "some black plastic-thingy to hang the licenceplate on" Ill post pics when i get it
Im not shure how to describe it...but as ive come to know the sound...i imagine its the #1 turbo getting a tiny bit less oilpressure than it wants when the engine is cold And..as said...ive had this sound for well over 2,5 years now...and its not getting any worse Might have something to do with the fact that im VERY sensitive on the pedal the first few minutes everytime er start the car So i thought about getting a spare set of turbo's...just in case
Hmm...stopped by my local toyota dealer today...and had a look in their new parts database thingy...and it seems there are three different licenceplate holders 52114A - 14100 52114A - 14110 52114A - 14120 And the guy at the counter (ive dealt with him before...he knows what hes doing ) ordered the -14110 one...and we'll see if its the right one Its says in the "footnote" that is "Germany only" wich seems to atleast make some sense as im not shure ive seen this kinda plateholder on any other spec of supra....us, uk or jdm Anyone else know anything about this subject?
Thanx...but it looks to me like that might be this one: http://bilder.ts-ogn.no/?album=/alpher/Norwegian%20mkIV%20Supra%20Registry/Drammen%20-%20Karsten%20-/&picture=000_0038.jpg&fullsize=1 Instead of this one...that im after..and have had on my Supra all the time i might add http://www.flexifoto.no/album32/HS5K1773 Btw...doesnt look like its colourcoded from factory though http://bilder.ts-ogn.no/?album=/alpher/Norwegian%20mkIV%20Supra%20Registry/Sarpsborg%20-%20Mrs.%20Brynildsen/&picture=135_3542.jpg Can anyone confirm exactly what type of licenceplateholder 52114A is then?
Had an encounter with the rearend of a Mondeo on saturday... Not to worry though Just a small one..all i need is a new licenceplate and a new licenceplate-holder Trouble is...my local Toyota dealer cant find the right part number me thinks All he finds is the smallish knob to "put the licenceplate" on...and not the whole licenceplate-frame thingy...thats coulourcoded on my car atleast Anybody got the partnumber for this thing?
Probably atleast a revamp of the original theme
No its not that hard taking them out "the right way" ..and that is WITHOUT taking half the car apart Have a look at this thread: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=32074&highlight=tweeters Did this mod a couple of years ago...and made a small write-up about it...just to clarify a thing or two for the guys at supraforums.com ...and too those who still aint convinced...lets say you dont want to ruin the stock tweeter...ill say this...toss the stock speakers..they are just rubbish! How Toyota dared to put such lousy sounding speakers in a car in this pricerange is beyond me
Me too...and im quite happy with it Nice burbly sound on idle...coolsounding cruising around town..and throaty enough when flooring it (and im talking baffle out off ourse )
Mines had that slightly worrying sound when cold for about two years now...and ive had no turbofailure yet...knock on wood And had been said before...i dont push the turbo when cold either...but it is kinda hard staying below 2000rpm
A fellow Toyota owner posted this on a Norwegian forum...and wants to know if its legitimate..or not Im leaning heavilly against the latter.. But id like to hear what you guys have to say about it ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Mr./Ms., first of all let me thank you for your interest in my car... The car is originally from Japan, first it was registered in USA, i bought the car from a friend of mine and now i imported here, registered temporarily in England, and because is with the steering wheel on the LEFT side, I need to sell this car only in Europe. I have all the papers needed to register, i paid all the fees for import, this car is legally registered in Europe, so... it's not a big problem to transfer the title into your name. This Toyota Supra MKIV is a great piece of japan ingenuity, it has been built in 12/1995, the sound of the engine is just like a big cat purring, the luxurious look is what drives people crazy about these great cars, the paintjob is scratchless and looks just great on sunny days. The Supra has only 168.000 km's and it have notless then 320 Horse Power. maximum speed is around 260 Km/H. The black leather interior gives it a great look and feel, very comfortable and great for long distance travelling. For just 6.150,00 EUR (shipping taxes not included) you can get this great car and take it on a pleasure trip. It still has the fresh car smell even (i am a non-smoker). Also shipping the car to your city is possible, via Airplane it would cost 700,00 EUR and 250,00 EUR via truck. However, I will want to believe that you are honest enough and will not raise any misgiving with respect to this transaction. More importantly, you will keep this transaction very confidential so as not to jeopardise this once in a lifetime ambition. Likewise all modalities for the successful transfer of this money have been worked out with the Finance Ministry to facilitate the remittance of this money to a designated bank account. But in this moment I can't use my bank account because now it's confidential. In case you change your mind after receiving the car and want to cancel the order you will ship it back and retrieve your money. We will use a wire transfer service, as a payment method. I prefer this method because I can ship the car in the same day you make the payment. I know that the best deals are closed when the risk involved is minimum. You will arrange payment through Western Union (http://www.westernunion.com) You'll proceed in this way: - you will make the transfer to my location but not to my name (you will use your wife's name for example as receiver's name) so you can be sure that I will NOT pick up the money until you get the car, so you make a deposit at Western Union and you will give me the transfer's details so I can be able to verify if the deposit was made. - only after you will receive the car and check it if it's OK you will have to change the receiver's name of the transfer to my name so I can collect my money. I will give you 4-5 days to inspect the car and all the documents at a mechanic or wherever you want. Finally if this business is of interest to you, then kindly contact me via e-mail address here in-"[email protected]" Your immediate response will be highly appreciated. My name and address are: Str: Lower Anchor Street x town: Chelmsford county: Essex zip: SS14 AE country: Uk (United Kingdom)Thank you for your time and interest. XXXXX XXXXXX...! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yepp...you can....theyre just stuck on there with some kind of adhesive-thingy
I find that my alarms remote "panic button" pretty much does the trick... Picture a few kids (9-20...ya know?...kids ) with their palms pressed onto your cars windows...for instance....trying to get a peek at what the speedmeter maxes out at etc. ...and then, from a distance, i press the panic button, and the alarm starts howling! LOL Ive done this a few times...and i always get the same effect They all jump bak, with their hands slightly up...real sudden...and keep looking around as if to say "i didnt do nothing" But..being the nice guy...that i am ...i laugh a bit...and usually have a little chat with them...IF they ask...and IF they behave nicely
Ah...that explains it