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Everything posted by lpher

  1. The LHD examples are much more expensive....go figure
  2. Thanx The reason im asking, is that the norwegian government is considering swapping out the engine size-tax with a co2-tax when it come to importing cars...wheter new or used...and im REALLY affraid this is going to strangle the Supra here in norway
  3. Thanx, but i think gazboy here has just hit the spot
  4. I know this is an old thread an all...but i really need to know what the co2 outlet is on the Supra. Does anyone know ?
  5. lpher

    New Problem

    Hmm...looks like its a genuine eurospec LHD-Supra too? What the heck is/was it doing in J-land?
  6. The Blitz SBC I-Color has options of using rpm or speed-based maps...that can help this...to a certain degree
  7. A few norwegian supras have snuk in aswell i see If this gets to be a yearly happening...im there next year for shure!
  8. Ive been driving my Supra each and every day now for 3,5 years...and you could say i pretty much know what the car can and cant do...so, no i doesnt scar me! BUT...i must admit i always give the car the respect you would normally give any high-hp rwd car
  9. lpher

    New Problem

    Hmm..any pics?
  10. Could you define "too freqently"?
  11. Heres a photoshop pic that was done way back... Mind you...its a bit over the top...the lowering-job and the 21" wheels i mean! ..but you get the picture... TEIN Coilover kit is in the mail...so well see how it turns out then
  12. Hmm...wierd that local taste can vary so much...i get nothing but praise for them overe here ...oh well...im going for 18" next year anyway...cause they are a bit on the heavy side
  13. Hmm...so all alone on this one then?
  14. Hmm....im begining to see a patern here
  15. Hmm...you might be right...ill wait till i get the coilover-kit fitted and see Thanx...its getting there
  16. Honest opinions are appreciated And i must admit...i wanted another type of look than most other supras you see on the road... Now..if only my coilovers would arrive
  17. Posted pics one month ago...and still no comments...is it really that bad?!
  18. A bit of an old post but...Can you supply these Nic?
  19. Its the same here...it apparently doesnt matter if the car is RHD...when everyone else is driving LHD-cars (and driving on the side of the road that the car was made for) The mkIV Supra population in norway was at 8-10 cars only 3-4 years ago....and now...partially cause of JDM-import...were upto an estimated 55-60 mkIV Supras!
  20. With a budget of £10k youre best bet would be a RHD Supra, yes And as for maintenance...most of the larger Toyota-dealers have knowledge enough about the mkIV...and most dealers in mainland europe dont seem to mind if the car is RHD or LHD
  21. That HAS GOT to be a record of some sort?!
  22. Heres a few pics of my Supra with the new 19" wheels...better late than never i guess http://www.ts-ogn.no/phpBB2/download.php?id=18484 http://www.ts-ogn.no/phpBB2/download.php?id=18483 ...and yes I AM going to lower it a tad! TEIN coilovers are on their way...courtesy of our very own importpimp, Nic
  23. I just swithed to 19" alloys myself...and i notice that they are a bit heavier BUT...it does look nice!
  24. Nahh...three pedals is to much fuzz
  25. Pfft... I always take extra good care of my belogings..so i dont think thats gonna be a problem The are a bit on the heavy side though...but i guess this is part them being 19" and part beacuse theyre dirt-cheap-heavy-alloys?
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