In response to this, apologies if you feel I have been a little unfair, however, for me, rules are rules and Craig is not an authorised trader. Forgive me, however by your admission, you are a friend of Craig's and therefore are unlikely to see this from an impartial point of view.
As Branners pointed out, Craig has been treading the line for a long time now and if it was just the odd reference, I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue. However, there seems to be a number of references to Craig's services and the business appearing on regular basis now and this isn't fair on the traders who have paid the fees to support this club.
May I please remind you all that this is a club. We donate our spare time to supporting the continued smooth running of this forum, we do not gain any financial or material benefit from our efforts, it is done purely for our admiration of the club.
We therefore do not appreciate anyone, regardless of length of membership deliberately negating rules to avoid supporting the club financially, whilst benefitting from additional trade gained via the club.
This is all I have to say on the matter and will leave this in Branners hands to sort.