hi guys,
i have already replaced the timing belt when i bought my car just to be sure, recently i have noticed a lil puff of smoke on cold start so i'm thinking that my vs oil seals are shot. so looking to get tools in to make the job run smoother.
when i replaced the timing belt the last time i had savage issues with the pulling the bottom pully of the crank.
i have asked my local snap-on dealer for tools to do the job but he has returned saying there is nothing available for the supra, which sounds wrong to me.
i have already bought a tool to remove and replace the colets on the valve springs so just wondering of there is anyone on here that has bought tools somewhere to both
*Lock the bottom pully to crack the nut
*To pull the crank pully off the crank.
part numbers for the tool would be great or even a link to buy them even better.