This was just over a year ago one bored night at work... one of the guys left his Mil ID in the computer. It's got our SSN on them so you can imagine if an inspector found it. You'd get in deep shit. We got it, used dry-erase marker and drew all over it. Turned him into a terrorist pretty much, looked awesome! Yeah, dry-erase marker DOES NOT come off easy! He had to end up getting a new ID. Now, as his return prank... I had a 97 Honda Civic, just 4 wheels to get me from point A to point B. Well, it's cold outside so I go start her up to get her warm. I come back outside, throw my bags in the back and hop in the driver’s seat. I put her in reverse... doesn't go anywhere and I stall out. No clue as to what just happened... given, I'm dead tired after a long shift. I start her up and try it again. Same thing! I was like ok, weird... let's try and go forward. Yup, didn't get an inch and stalled again. Notice: the e-brake isn't engaged. I get out, walk around the car and to my surprise, that ass chalked my left rear tire so where I couldn't move. I did the spin around to see if anyone was around and some guy in the smoke put is crying laughing... Yup, I made it a habit to check all around my car before I try and leave the parking lot.