An update from someone who's stationed out of Misawa, Japan, even though I'm currently in Iraq... They are saying almost 600 are confirmed dead but with cities still under water, the numbers will rise into the thousands. Sendai is gone, Hachinohe is half gone and Misawa only got damage from the quake. No power in the northeastern areas and said to not come on for another week or two. Cell phones are out. The two base gyms have been opened for people to have a warm place to sleep. Many were sleeping in their cars in fear of staying in their apartment. They have what's called towers, which are like 9 story apartment buildings set on rollers. Floors 6-9 are completely trashed and the lower floors got damage but not as bad as the top floors. I live off base. Anything that was breakable is gone. I'm still waiting for pictures to see the extent of the damage. I'll update everyone on the Supra as soon as I know!! (had to try and make myself laugh a little) Things are replaceable but the lives that've been lost are beyond imaginable. I was at the chow hall when the videos were first being shown of the water sweeping over Sendai. I broke down right there. Sendai is only a few hours from Misawa. No military members have been harmed. The base was shut down for a day or two but they are sending everyone back to work now. It'd be nice to at least give the guys some time to recuperate or help but the mission must go on, I suppose. A lot of the guys were on TDY and can't get back to Misawa. We have over 300 people with us on this deployment with no hope of going home early so we get to sit back and watch... pretty shitty situation. Knowing what we could do to help and we are stuck in another country and can't do a damn thing but wait. They have sent in thousands of military members to start cleaning up, hand out blankets and food, and rescue anyone who may be trapped.